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Moonkorita(문코리타) is a fictional charactor created by crossbreeding Chikorita with Moon Jae In(문재인), 19th president of Republuc of Korea as known as Disaster Moon(문재앙)
In late June, a comic about moonkorita went viral because of the news about the comic

In 2012, Candidate Moon Jae-In smiling brightly in cabbage worn by a merchant in the marketplace

Supporters of Moon Jae-In nicknamed Moon Jae-In Moonkorita, saying he is as cute as Chikorita

Non-supporters of Moon Jae-In photoshopped the photos to show the real Moonkorita
In 2019, Moon Corita was reborn with a new look.

And many Moonkorita's friends were also created.
The theme songs of Moonkémon was created and became famous.
Moonkémon Opening Thema
Moonkemon Ending Thema
Moonkémon Forever

As Moonkorita transforms into 3D, its popularity is growing day by day.
Why don't you share your happiness with your friends by sharing your Moonkorita?

You can easily meet Moonkorita Avatar in the game VRChat.
If you meet Moonkorita, please kindly say 'Moonko-Moonko' to it
Various Examples

moonkorita fan clayart

fans of moonkorita made a lot of game skin

a fan of moonkorita made moonkorita dolls and send them to Moon Jae-In

fans of moonkorita wear handmade moonkorita T-shirts

![News MT 머니투데이 PICK O [단독]"샤람이 먼져" 네이버에 '文 조 롱' 웹툰...둘로 갈린 목소리 입력 2022.06.21. 오전 8:20 수정 2022.06.21 오전 8:21 최우영 기자> 137 (1) 가가 ⑤ 치이익... 샤...사람이 먼져다. [2] 266 치... 치코리타!!! /사진=네이버웹툰 도전만화](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/390/146/80d.jpg)
the comic "Moonkémon"
The cartoon was blocked for five days for insulting Moon Jae In
However, Moonkorita became more famous by the newspaper that accused the cartoon
Reporter, Sorry and thank you
Search Interest
the querys:문코리타 and 문켓몬, 문켓몬스터 are blocked by Google
External References
Chosun news – Moonkorita? Webtoon mocking former President Moon temporarily suspended in two days
mbn news – Webtoon mocking former President Moon, re-released in two days…What is Moonkorita?
dong-a news – Stop posting webtoon mocking former President Moon…Defamation vs freedom of expression
Seoul economy – Webtoon mocking former President Moon is revised, but… Disaster is left
blog of meme creator – Moonkémon Storage
blog of meme creator – Jeon Du-Hwanok Village
Youtube of meme creator – Jeon Du-Hwanok Village
namu wiki – Moon Jae-In / negative nicknames
Top Comments
Jun 07, 2022 at 04:06AM EDT
Jun 07, 2022 at 08:16AM EDT