![My Mango Is to Blow Up Riff Raff showing jagged teeth](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/027/501/Screen_Shot_2018-10-29_at_12.58.51_PM.jpg)
My Mango Is to Blow Up
Part of a series on Riff Raff. [View Related Entries]
My Mango Is to Blow Up, also known as My Main Goal Is to Blow Up, refers to a Vine video by Riff Raff in which he says "My main goal is to blow up then act like I don't know nobody." The video began being used in remixes four years after it was posted after it was observed that the way Riff Raff says "main goal" sounds like "Mango." It spread further after it was included in a PewDiePie video.
On April 10th, 2014, rapper Riff Raff posted a Vine[2] video in which he said "My main goal is to blow up then act like I don't know nobody" (shown below).
Initially, the Vine was parodied by people imitating the video. For example, YouTuber Mr Gazza posted a parody on September 9th, 2014, that gained over 64,000 views (shown below, left). User Brad Cooper did the same in March of 2015, gaining over 40,000 views (shown below, right).
On August 13th, 2018, YouTuber Bazinga[1] reposted the video with the title "My Mango." This may have been the first instance of the video being posted as "My Mango." In the ensuing months, remixes of the Vine appeared making jokes and puns on "My Mango." For example, on September 8th, user Śmieszny Koleś posted a parody that gained over 7,000 views (shown below, left). User muffle.mp5 posted a parody on October 16th, 2018 that gained over 26,000 views (shown below, right).
On October 25th, 2018, PewDiePie included it in a since-deleted video which sparked the creation of many new examples of the meme (reupload shown below).
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[2] Vine – My Main Goal
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