Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive? - Images
If we can meme Penguins of Madagascar, we can meme the Backyardigans! INVEST! | /r/MemeEconomy

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
Parents: refuse to vaccinate

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
Kids when they wake up the day after the avengers came

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
When you and your friends only browse Reddit and play video games all day

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
America: *nukes Japan*

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
Every meme format after a week

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
Pablo Escoar 2/12/1993

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
When you're Armenian in WWI

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
When your a meme and your older then 3 days

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
Simo Hayha exists

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
help im dead

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
When you join a cult

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
"My team after Blitzcrank hooks the enemy Darius"

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?
parents: *refuse to vaccinate their kids* their kids:

Pablo: Why Aren't We Alive?