Beanbag Adventure - Images
I don't know if this is the hospital, but if it is, the video was probably shot from this side of the building.

Beanbag Adventure
I have been to this place before. It is located in Changchun City, Jilin Province. It is an underground air-raid shelter of the Bethune Medical Colleg...
![民生百态 @minshengbaitai - Jan 13 网友实拍的防空洞实验室里, 浸泡了大量的小孩尸体, 不知道真假, 太恐怖了 339 马有铁 @mayoutie1 t 1,320 3,350 M +] ... *** Replying to @minshengbaitai 这个地方我去过,位于吉林省长春市,是吉林大学白求恩医学院的地下防空 洞里,相邻的几间房子都是实验室。我上次去的时候在这里找到过一份报告 单写的1992年,应该差不多就是那个时候的。 Translated from Chinese by Google I have been to this place before. It is located in Changchun City, Jilin Province. It is an underground air-raid shelter of the Bethune Medical College of Jilin University. The adjacent houses are laboratories. When I went there last time, I found a report written in 1992, which should be about that time. 8:46 AM-Jan 14, 2023 - 15.9K Views](
![民生百态 @minshengbaitai - Jan 13 网友实拍的防空洞实验室里, 浸泡了大量的小孩尸体, 不知道真假, 太恐怖了 339 马有铁 @mayoutie1 t 1,320 3,350 M +] ... *** Replying to @minshengbaitai 这个地方我去过,位于吉林省长春市,是吉林大学白求恩医学院的地下防空 洞里,相邻的几间房子都是实验室。我上次去的时候在这里找到过一份报告 单写的1992年,应该差不多就是那个时候的。 Translated from Chinese by Google I have been to this place before. It is located in Changchun City, Jilin Province. It is an underground air-raid shelter of the Bethune Medical College of Jilin University. The adjacent houses are laboratories. When I went there last time, I found a report written in 1992, which should be about that time. 8:46 AM-Jan 14, 2023 - 15.9K Views](
Beanbag Adventure
Possible Location of the Beanbag Adventure Organ Harvesting Lab (unconfirmed)

Beanbag Adventure