Ken Penders - Images
it's here
Ken Penders
It's here...and it's even more laughably pathetic than we thought

Ken Penders
For those of you who are curious, this is how Tails would look if he appeared in THE LARA-SU CHRONIC...
Ken Penders
I don't think captions are necessary to understand the situation.

Ken Penders
... Nevertheless, this is hilarious by Vaporotem
Ken Penders
admit none for Ken

Ken Penders
What The Actual Fuck Ken

Ken Penders
Wtf penders

Ken Penders
Kenatos the lawsuit bringer

Ken Penders
Do not serve this man.

Ken Penders
Takashi Iizuka & Ken Penders at Sonic Revolution

Ken Penders
Hate... Let me tell you how much I've come to HATE this guy since he started suing shit...

Ken Penders
Ken Penders

Ken Penders
Ken Penders
Ken Penders
Speaking of Penders and Niemöller...

Ken Penders
And then there was the time Ken Penders took a Holocaust poem and made it about Sonic characters.

Ken Penders