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"Marloe is the oil that keeps the gears of KYM turning. If you don’t know who marloe is, you’re clearly not an oldfag and gtfo of KYM."- Randomman
Marloe A.K.A God Of Memes, is probably the best user on this site, and secretly the one who runs the strings on KYM and many memes.
Marloes origins are unknown, it is believed he was formed during the big bang, but sometimes its believed HE made the big bang, all of this is pure speculation, but we do know marloe is no mere human
Marloe first made his first public appearence with humans during the inception on KYM, and was a big aid in the plans Jamie Dubs had on this site.
Marloe prepared the future admins, whos job would be to run this site at its best state, in their job to create the dankest of memes, being known as the dank trinity: James, Brad, and none other than the best Memer: Don.
Thats right, Marloe was the sensei of Don, the one that teached him all of the things he now knows, without marloe, there would be no DON, and there would be no KYM, Dispite this.
Marloe works in the shadows, he has no activity because he must remain undercover, most of his job is pulled by his disciples (adminsand the disciples of his disciples (mods).
Sadly, Marloe had to go undercover, because of the SJW who threatened his dank memes for oppresing the non-dank Memes, he still lurks in the shadows, pulling the strings in order to help KYM, but one day, he will arise reclam the throne he deserves, as the God Of Memes.
Trough the years, Marloe had lots of sacrifices portraits done to him, in order to celebrate his highness and dankness.

And even ponifications

He is a confirmed meme
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James Blunt Moderator
Apr 01, 2015 at 01:37AM EDT
Totally Not a Freemason
Apr 01, 2015 at 01:31AM EDT in reply to