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The pre-dinner snack is the Swedish alternative to a customary dinner entrée, consisting of either ketchup, mayonnaise, or both. Sprung forth to global mainstream popularity by the Swedish cuisine show "Regular ordinary Swedish meal time" (in turn inspired by "Epic meal time"), this spiking trend has boosted mayo-sales world wide.

The shows most popular episode, Sidepork Pandemonium, lay on a steady 1,5 million views during the time of this entrys creation :

The popularity of the show, combined with selling catchphrase "It's good for you!", has also resulted in tragic reports of non-swedes attempting to replicate this Viking tradition:

Reports of altering mayo advertising to include the catchphrase "It's good for you" or "Pre-dinner snack" are also increasing:

More can be found on their facebook fanpage:

In the beginnings of 2011, OLW (a swedish snack-producer), launched the competition "Mysmatchen" in search for a new taste for a potato chip. To this date, the entry "Pre dinner snack" is by far the most popular contestant:

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Pre-dinner snack

Pre-dinner snack

Updated Jan 01, 2013 at 01:31AM EST by Teh Brawler.

Added Mar 21, 2011 at 10:45AM EDT by lobax.

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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The pre-dinner snack is the Swedish alternative to a customary dinner entrée, consisting of either ketchup, mayonnaise, or both. Sprung forth to global mainstream popularity by the Swedish cuisine show "Regular ordinary Swedish meal time" (in turn inspired by "Epic meal time"), this spiking trend has boosted mayo-sales world wide.

The shows most popular episode, Sidepork Pandemonium, lay on a steady 1,5 million views during the time of this entrys creation :

The popularity of the show, combined with selling catchphrase "It's good for you!", has also resulted in tragic reports of non-swedes attempting to replicate this Viking tradition:

Reports of altering mayo advertising to include the catchphrase "It's good for you" or "Pre-dinner snack" are also increasing:

More can be found on their facebook fanpage:

In the beginnings of 2011, OLW (a swedish snack-producer), launched the competition "Mysmatchen" in search for a new taste for a potato chip. To this date, the entry "Pre dinner snack" is by far the most popular contestant:

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