Rainbow Dash Reads a(n) X Book
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Rainbow Dash Reads a(n) X Book
Rainbow Dash Reads a(n) X Book is a meme that originated from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
It originated in the second season of the show, episode sixteen, titled "Read It and Weep."
Episode Synopsis
In the episode, Rainbow Dash has an off-screen crash that leaves her stuck in a hospital with nothing to do. The only thing that is available is to read a book that her friend, Twilight Sparkle, picked out for her. The book is called Daring Doo and The Quest for The Sapphire Stone. Once she begins to read, the episode shows the story. During the reading, Rainbow Dash is constantly stopping the story because her friends interrupt her and try to cheer her up, and she doesn't want them to find out that she is reading the book after calling Twilight Sparkle an "Egghead."
After her friends leave twice, Rainbow Dash is nearing the end of the book, until the doctor comes in to tell her that she is being dismissed from the hospital. She tries to get out of it, but is unsuccessful. She tries to come back, faking her injury, but fails at this as well. Finally, Rainbow Dash decides to break in to the hospital and steal the book for herself. This backfires however, as she is discovered by the staff of the hospital and is chased around Ponyville, causing everyone to wake up and her friends finding out what was going on.
In the end, Twilight Sparkle lends Rainbow Dash all of her Daring Doo books, and Rainbow Dash is able to finish the first one, going on to the next, ending the episode.
The original cover of the book, Daring Doo and The Quest for The Sapphire Stone
The Meme
The meme itself originated on February 5th, 2012, when Youtube user SUPERMARIOGALAXY13 posted a video titled "Dashie Reads a Medical Book." It takes a scene from the episode where Rainbow Dash is struggling to pick up the book and begin to read. Once she finally does, a clip from spongebob saying "2 Hours Later" appears. Afterwards, Rainbow Dash declares herself an egghead for reading the book. However, SUPERMARIOGALAXY13 edits the video via Sony Vegas to replace the cover of the book with "Color Atlas and Text of Clinical Medicine by Charles D. Forbes and William F. Jackson." The situation here is that Rainbow Dash read so much about medicine that she compares herself to any symptoms and states her diagnosis, thinking she has some sort of disease.
The video has been done a number of times after the first one was uploaded, using different books, such as Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and "Twilight."
Needs heavy editing
Top Comments
Feb 07, 2012 at 04:51AM EST
Balrog & someone
Feb 07, 2012 at 07:42AM EST