Read This in My Voice
Read This in My Voice is a popular pastime on imageboards in which the OP (original poster) uploads a picture of an iconic character with a caption that reads: READ THIS IN MY VOICE. Upon seeing the image, viewers often find themselves subconsciously reading the text in the signature voice of each character portrayed.
The first known example of "You Are Reading This in my Voice" occurred on May 29th, 2009 in an epic 4chan thread #138566834 started by moot[1] featuring Boxy Brown from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

"Read This in My Voice" jokes mainly thrived in 4chan at first, but they're commonly found in forums. It's not uncommon to find them in the 'just for fun' section, or the'random' board.
Here are some examples of "Read This in My Voice" used on different forums and sites, listed in chronological order.
- 01/31/09 Ebaum's World
- 02/07/09 Escapist Magazine forums
- 07/23/09 SodaHead
- 01/08/10 A Tumblog
- 01/09/10 Steam Forums
- there is even a face book group
- Google Search for "In my voice" site:4chanarchive.org
According to Google Timeline, July and September of 2009 were the months when the most "read this in my voice" materials were indexed by the search engine.
As of January 18th, 2009, there have been a total of 14 threads archived by 4chanarchive.org containing the words "in my voice". At least 13 of these threads were created between October of 2009 and January of 2010.
Search Interest
According to Google Insights, people actively sought out "read this in my voice" from February to August of 2009.
External References
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Oct 09, 2011 at 01:20PM EDT