>Kilburn laughs and says "It's a good floor sir"

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
>buy game >its skrunkly

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
>buy a ticket >its dry

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
-ask team manager if blaseball team is creepy or wet -she laughs and says 'it's a good team sir'

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
i cannot stop quoting this bot-generated tumblr post

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
>ask cashier if the movie is reddit or not
![20KiB, 306x306, 1534731206408.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Anonymous Mon 13 [31/4/22] May 2019 23:33:56 No.114721440 View Reply Original Repo rt Quoted By: >>114721574 >>114721787 >>114721802 >>114721857 >>114722035 >>114722125 >>114722154 >>114723089 >>114723516 >>114724732 >walk into movie theater lobby >about to buy tickets to movie >ask cashier if the movie is reddit or not >she doesn't understand >explain the differences between 4chan and reddit culture >she still doesn't get it >pull the printed memes out of my wallet to show the difference >she laughs and says it's fine >watch movie >it's reddit](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/572/973/883.jpg)
![20KiB, 306x306, 1534731206408.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Anonymous Mon 13 [31/4/22] May 2019 23:33:56 No.114721440 View Reply Original Repo rt Quoted By: >>114721574 >>114721787 >>114721802 >>114721857 >>114722035 >>114722125 >>114722154 >>114723089 >>114723516 >>114724732 >walk into movie theater lobby >about to buy tickets to movie >ask cashier if the movie is reddit or not >she doesn't understand >explain the differences between 4chan and reddit culture >she still doesn't get it >pull the printed memes out of my wallet to show the difference >she laughs and says it's fine >watch movie >it's reddit](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/572/973/883.jpg)
She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
Anon buys a video game. | /r/Greentext

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
Slippery when wet | /r/Greentext

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
It's Wet

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"
Anon rates a gym

She Laughs and Says "It's a Good X Sir"