Shocked Black Guy - Images
Pov: twitter user MangakaSelin learns that Japan is a real country

Shocked Black Guy
This pic always kills me because what the fuck HAPPENED for bro to make this expression

Shocked Black Guy
Finn mains when they realize spinning their backpack isn’t the only move they can do

Shocked Black Guy
Doc when he realizes he has to do actual combos and cant spam the tornado move

Shocked Black Guy
Already about to be in my senior year of high school

Shocked Black Guy
Holy shit i didn’t realise people were still liking this

Shocked Black Guy
my shampoo bottles hearing the comebacks i made up in the shower

Shocked Black Guy
sonic fans when you say to them that there are people who enjoy sonic 2006 and sonic forces

Shocked Black Guy
Shocked Black Guy Reaction Image #2
Shocked Black Guy
Shocked Black Guy Reaction Image
Shocked Black Guy