/r/freefolk - Images
In his series debut, Tywin Lannister butchers a stag while speaking to Jaime. This scene brilliantly...

D&D really hated this guy. Stannis deserved better writers. | /r/FreeFolk

It’s complicated | /r/FreeFolk

Me when I see another HOTD writer justifying season 2 as a masterpiece | /r/FreeFolk

What did Jaime and Cersei do after this? | /r/FreeFolk

Tywin's interaction with Arya shows if it weren't for the obsession over that legacy of his, he coul...

Prime Robert was based | /r/FreeFolk

Just so you know | /r/FreeFolk

so true lmaoo | /r/FreeFolk

Found tywin Lannister | /r/FreeFolk

My guy just can't catch a break lol. | /r/FreeFolk

The moment Stannis realised Shireen was no dragon | /r/FreeFolk

Name a character who's still likable despite being a prick. | /r/FreeFolk

Unc does NOT like Lil bro | /r/FreeFolk

Tywin negotiating with the Reynes to pay back what they owed his daddy. | /r/FreeFolk

True history of Bran the Broken | /r/FreeFolk
