/r/freefolk - Images
Shoutout to Brienne of Tarth for being part of this poll for some reason. | /r/FreeFolk


How much would the story change if Jon Snow was a straight man and not homosexual? | /r/FreeFolk

Gods, those scenes were stupid then | /r/FreeFolk

Bronn is a guest having the time of his life in a Westworldlike park. | /r/FreeFolk

It wasn't Walder Frey's fault. | /r/FreeFolk

Better question: why is there a gigantic mountain of corpses if each side has only ~6k men and the b...

Remember when Sam found the Horn of Joramun for some fucking reason? | /r/FreeFolk

stop it . | /r/FreeFolk

We got new Arthur before winds | /r/FreeFolk

your episode has no true claim to the throne | /r/FreeFolk

Got out of context is hilarious | /r/FreeFolk

Anybody sees Stannis' face here? I don't think even Renly recognizes him. | /r/FreeFolk

So yall really like it when we keep taking it all the way out to the tip and putting it back into th...

Another great milestone passed! Many more to come. | /r/FreeFolk

They will never make me hate you Criston | /r/FreeFolk
