Some People Just Need To The Heck
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Although it has not garnered much attention on the Grand Internetz since this meme's beginnings, it has inspired immense popularity on the Failbook website, which shows the more lulzy and eventful (and sometimes embarassing) status updates and comments on Facebook in a comical manner.
Since its beginnings, the website has offered a comments page attached to images that are uploaded, which is the norm for any website on the CheezBurger network. Since it has offered user interaction in this manner, many micro-memes have spawned, but have not commonly made it past the first page of appearance. The "Need To The Heck" meme, however, has been popularized for weeks now.
Starting on a comments page (<>, which was appropriately titled the name of the soon-to-be meme, the image depicts an unknown woman by the name of Jenna complaining about some "childish crap", possibly alluding to over-hype about an unwanted pregnancy or even a failing relationship of massive failing proportions. Whatever the case, Jenna has obviously had it, and feels the need to tell all of Facebook that she has had it (and even uses the triple dot for a pause!).
A fellow Facebook member by the name of Craig decides that Jenna needs some condolence, and offers some words of agreement, stating that "some people justneed to the heck". Another member offers words of comfort by telling Jenna that she is far more better than her childish problems.
Then, out of nowhere, a member by the name of Jacob, whether it was sensing the immense fail of grammar or the fact that something special could come out of this situation, decides to ignite the flame of this meme by replying "I agree with Craig, some people just need to the heck." Further spreading this meme (and allowing entrance to the repetition of the meme), another member by the name of Lauren replies "I agree with jacob on agreeing with craig, some people just need to the heck."
And thus, the meme was born. The comments of the page were going wild and flooding with those seven words (or some deviation thereof). People were trolling and flaming with this newfound meme, while some less-savvy users just sat in confusion by asking everyone what the **** they were talking about. Of course, these people were told that they just need to the heck.
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