Sonicdude3 vs. Vman9876543

Sonicdude3 vs. Vman9876543

Updated Sep 30, 2012 at 07:49PM EDT by opspe.

Added Jun 27, 2010 at 05:51AM EDT by plasquatch.

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The Sonicdude3 Story, A Dramatic Reading

Steven Page, a/k/a Sonicdude3, was a deviantArt user, a Sonic the Hedgehog fan who hated Sonic fandom and stated as such in his YouTube debut, "Sonic fans are stupid" (apparently no longer available). He began making Sonic machinima with Garry's Mod

Like most people who put content on the internet, Sonicdude attracted his fair share of haters and trolls. One of them, however, pushed him over the edge. His girlfriend, also a target of this particular troll, encouraged him to make a video.

For obvious reasons, he now considers this a mistake.

The Rant, with Transcript

Alright, look. This video is not, like, a public video. This is a fuckin' callout to some stupid asshole on Youtube. Alright, check this out. Some random stupid prick by the name of Vman-- some long number, I think it's Vman-- let me check-- 9876543-- yeah, you cocksucker-- just randomly goes on my girlfriend's page and says that "your videos suck, and so do yours." And so I told him, "why don't you actually leave my girlfriend alone and make your own videos?" And he goes on this whole thing telling YouTube, "ohhhhhh, he's making fun of me, he's being mean to me, na-na-na-na-na-na-nya!" And then he says- he goes and makes an account called "sonicdudesucks."

Listen, Vman, no one was messin' with you at all. You've got some fuckin' attitude issues if you're just gonna sit there on your computer and flame somebody. What the fuck did I do to you? I sit here, I make my videos. Did I ever call you out? I don't even know who the fuck you are. You're just some stupid asshole who doesn't have one video on his damn fuckin' YouTube. Now listen to me. No one's messin' with you. And you don't go on my girlfriend's page and call her "my pretty." If I was there, I'd shove a broom so far up your ass your- your mouth would be fuckin' clean. Now get the fuck off my YouTube, get off hers, maybe you should just get off YouTube because you're not even do anything… you stupid prick. I'm sick of this. It's- what the fuck is people's problems? They sit around on YouTube and flame, and flame, and flame, and troll, 'cause they have nothing better to do? Sor-fuckin'-ry that you're just sit in your mom's house all day long and shit with your pants all day.

Now I'm gonna tell you this one last time: QUIT IT. You know what? And if any of you were able to copy down that name, go ahead and tell him off, because I'm sick of his ass.

The Pooping
YouTube user KroboProductions claims to be the first to exploit this video for comedic purposes. His video is dated July 28, 2008:

Of course, others followed suit. Poops using this source material are notable in that, for the most part, they don't involve much video other than an alteration of the original graphic.

Sonicdude leaves YouTube

Sonicdude3 would later post the following video announcing his "final farewell" to YouTube:

In it, he states that he regrets posting the rant, as it is the video with which he is most associated. He says that the YouTube Poop videos "kind of offend" him, but says "more power to you" and to "keep it up."

Naturally, this, too, inspired some Poop.

Sonicdude has since returned to YouTube.

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