When you join your friend's party but can't find your headset

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
Just take care yourself,lol

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
When you're giving a presidential address and you're listening to someone shouting in Spanish

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
When you find yourself exploited by capitalism

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
A Common Mistake

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
Phelps Sponge

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
When you realize that you've been replaced
![WHEN YOU REALIZE YOU RE BEING REPLACED COURAG the [adult swim] GIRLS](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/156/395/452.jpeg)
![WHEN YOU REALIZE YOU RE BEING REPLACED COURAG the [adult swim] GIRLS](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/156/395/452.jpeg)
SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
Old Doom 1&2 memories

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
When your're crying in your room and somebody knocks on the door

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
It's funny and relatable

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and she was like “goodbye” and you were like

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
Meme Purgatory should be a thing.

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
A rare pokemon

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
So I played some Pac-Man World 2 today...

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob
I don't care if this has already been uploaded, everyone's mind deserves to be blown!

SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob