Statue Profile Pictures - Images
greek statue guy

Statue Profile Pictures
The Culture Critic's "No custody" Tweet

Statue Profile Pictures
statue pfps

Statue Profile Pictures
Everything will be commodified

Statue Profile Pictures
Do Not Ask the Weird Dude With the Roman Statue Profile Picture for Their Opinion on the Current State of Society
Statue Profile Pictures
'd pay to ban this dude

Statue Profile Pictures
When i'm in a "not understanding consent" competition and my opponent is a man with a greek statue pfp

Statue Profile Pictures
You see some anonymous account obsessing over "traditional" art and architecture, with a marble statue profile picture

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Greek/roman statue pfp = opinion discarded

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Bro is 12 years old with the statue avi talking about being a “Reagan enjoyer”, you gotta finish your pre-algebra homework dude!

Statue Profile Pictures
Silence, Statue PFP
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"Wow, really makes you think"

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Please can yous stop putting statue pfp “art and culture” accounts on my TL THANK YOU

Statue Profile Pictures
this may be the world's first good art history thread by a Roman statue pfp

Statue Profile Pictures
Simple proposal: if you want a statue avi and you are not a fascist you should be required to use a historically accurate painted statue.

Statue Profile Pictures
honestly I would like to know what a marble statue avi thinks a hate crime is

Statue Profile Pictures