Black Panther - Images
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Black Panther
the art of the low brow

Black Panther
made ya look

Black Panther
Seven #OscarNoms for #BlackPanther, including best picture!! This is our reaction the first time we saw footage from the film and we're feeling this w...

Black Panther
History was made again this morning. 7 #OscarNominations including Best Picture! God is truly amazing. Thank you all for the love and support. Hones...

Black Panther
Amazing!!! Congrats to everyone involved!!! Well deserved.

Black Panther
As the year comes to a close, never forget how BTFO /tv/ and /co/ were when Black Panther was a smas...
![The First MCU Flop Anonymous 01/09/18 Tue 06:29:10 No 92925840 >>92925886 >>92925924 >>92925948 > 92925984 >>92925999 > 92926016 > 92926 90 >>92 26126 >>92926256 >>92926472 -9292競41 9 697 292 2674 2292 26759 229292 839 292 843 쯔9292 63 쯔92 27016 92927 S: 2 2725-292927548 >>92 27555 2 92927675 2292 278 8-92 28744 2929044 2 2929514 쯔9292 aetip > Disney / Marvel is very concerned about the lack of hype for Black Panther > We are currently in the process of crafting an 'extra' trailer ITV spots that will focus on a character that has a cameo. Spoiler: Captain America. The problem is his cameo is all of1 So what are they going to say when this movie The trailer will also try and put more of an emphasis on Andy Serkis, but he has about 5 minutes of screen time. Less 'urban' music and feel. This movie is going to Predict the headline This WILL be the first flop for the MCU Anonymous 01/09/18 Tue 06:36:54 No 92926126▶ Is this going happens on release 竺929261 79 >>92926943 >>92929 Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue 12:40:43 No.92936380 he box office numbers way higher than they are Trailer looks gay How will they ever recover from this flop? They literally have another shot of tribals running at each other COULD THIS BE MARVEL'S FIRST FLOP??? blame racist whites and COULD THIS BE MARVEL'S FIRST FLOP??? Doctor Strange COULD THIS BE MARVEL'S FIRST FLOP??? is there any chance this Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)06:38:47 No.9292617992926226 92926126 Well it does have to happen sooner or later. I'm pretty sure Marvel movies won't be in style for all eternity. 93052671 (OP) it will flop worldwide. Mark my words. 300-400 millions in USA, around 100-150 foreign with a total of 450-500 mill. Anonymous 01/19/18(Fri)16:24:22 No.93451623 ■ Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)04:00:06 No.94002719 They have been trying to make a Venom series for a decade now and it will flop worse than Black Panther Nobody f------ cares about Venom. He's too 90s. The movie is going to make less than ww and is going to tank internationally, those aren't excuses but facts. ■ Anonymous 02/10/18 Sat 08:12:07 No 94432343 ▶ H 16 black people don't pay for movies and china hates n------ Anonymous 01/30/18(Tue)01:34:09 No.93910125 Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)04:11:07 No.94003100 Why the Box Office is racist SJW are pre-buying all the tickets to make it seem like a huge success so it wont hurt black people's feewings Anonymous 02/11/18(Sun)03:10:33 No.98592622 Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)03:55:44 No.94002579 Less than Wonder Woman and Spiderman Homecoming That means around 200 and 250 millions in America and less than 100 millions overseas. Anonymous 02/11/18(Sun)03:11:35 No.98592638 Hardly anyone knows who black panther is and white people aren't gonna see it anyway. Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)09:08:01 No.94010589 Movie has a good opening weekend thanks to all those crowdfunded campaigns to get all the welfare goblins a ticket and every feminist dance therapy major in the country going to see it Movie has a worst second weekend dip than Last Jedi thanks to blacks not wanting to spend their gibs on anything other than weed, malt liquor and menthols and all the liberal kids realizing that Black Panther is literally a black version of Trump except with no one trying to oppose his policies Foreign market is a complete ghost town Ends up making less money than Thor 2 RT critic score of 99%(thanks Armond) and user score of 78% Countless articles about how the institutionalized racism of America made people of color afraid to see Black Panther and Whites uninterested in a black hero Anonymous 02/06/18(Tue)23:19:27 No.9427495494275138 MY BRUTHA MAH NIGGAL MUH KANG Cant wait to see it tottally tank Anonymous 02/06/18(Tue)18:36:03 No.98508525 98508475 It's still going to fail. The Chinese will refuse to see this movie and so will the non-SJW portions of white America. Itll, at best, make back its budget. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)22:34:04 No.9445763594457690 >I watched all the black panther reviews on youtube Really obsessed with BP for someone who seems to want to hate it. ■ Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)22:35:47 No.94457690 94457761 I want that n----- movie to fail ■ Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)22:38:05 No.94457781 94457798 94457761 (You) Highest-grossing films worldwide gross Year Reference(s) $2,787,965,087 $2,187,463,944 1997 $2,068,223,624 201 YOUR TEARS Star Wars: The Force Awakens $1,518,812,988 2012 9(#10] $1,405,403,694 $1,341,511,219 $1,333,313,349 $1,332,757,449 $1,290,000,000 $1,263,521,126 (#141#15] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Black Panther t Star Wars: The Last Jedit 2011 2018 2017 2013 2017 2017 2013 2015 2016 2011 (#171, 18] (#191#201 (#211#22] (#231# 22] (#241#25] [#26][#8] (#271#28] (#291#15] 10 Beauty and the Beast The Fate of the Furious $1,238,764,765 $1,214,811,252 $1,159,398,397 $1,153,304,495 $1,123,794,079 Iron Man 3 50M Captain America: Civil War Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 100M 150M 200M 300M 400M 500M 600M 700M 800M □ 900M $1,108,561,013 | 1,104,054,072 $1,084,939,099 $1,066,969,703 (#321# 331 2012 2014 2012 2010 2006 2016 2011 20 TI (#36137] (#381#39] (#401#41] (#421# 43] (#441# 45] The Dark Knight Rises TS3 Toy Story Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest $1,056,057,273 $1,045,713,802 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | Black Panther t $1,333,313,349 $1,333,313,349 1B](
![The First MCU Flop Anonymous 01/09/18 Tue 06:29:10 No 92925840 >>92925886 >>92925924 >>92925948 > 92925984 >>92925999 > 92926016 > 92926 90 >>92 26126 >>92926256 >>92926472 -9292競41 9 697 292 2674 2292 26759 229292 839 292 843 쯔9292 63 쯔92 27016 92927 S: 2 2725-292927548 >>92 27555 2 92927675 2292 278 8-92 28744 2929044 2 2929514 쯔9292 aetip > Disney / Marvel is very concerned about the lack of hype for Black Panther > We are currently in the process of crafting an 'extra' trailer ITV spots that will focus on a character that has a cameo. Spoiler: Captain America. The problem is his cameo is all of1 So what are they going to say when this movie The trailer will also try and put more of an emphasis on Andy Serkis, but he has about 5 minutes of screen time. Less 'urban' music and feel. This movie is going to Predict the headline This WILL be the first flop for the MCU Anonymous 01/09/18 Tue 06:36:54 No 92926126▶ Is this going happens on release 竺929261 79 >>92926943 >>92929 Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue 12:40:43 No.92936380 he box office numbers way higher than they are Trailer looks gay How will they ever recover from this flop? They literally have another shot of tribals running at each other COULD THIS BE MARVEL'S FIRST FLOP??? blame racist whites and COULD THIS BE MARVEL'S FIRST FLOP??? Doctor Strange COULD THIS BE MARVEL'S FIRST FLOP??? is there any chance this Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)06:38:47 No.9292617992926226 92926126 Well it does have to happen sooner or later. I'm pretty sure Marvel movies won't be in style for all eternity. 93052671 (OP) it will flop worldwide. Mark my words. 300-400 millions in USA, around 100-150 foreign with a total of 450-500 mill. Anonymous 01/19/18(Fri)16:24:22 No.93451623 ■ Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)04:00:06 No.94002719 They have been trying to make a Venom series for a decade now and it will flop worse than Black Panther Nobody f------ cares about Venom. He's too 90s. The movie is going to make less than ww and is going to tank internationally, those aren't excuses but facts. ■ Anonymous 02/10/18 Sat 08:12:07 No 94432343 ▶ H 16 black people don't pay for movies and china hates n------ Anonymous 01/30/18(Tue)01:34:09 No.93910125 Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)04:11:07 No.94003100 Why the Box Office is racist SJW are pre-buying all the tickets to make it seem like a huge success so it wont hurt black people's feewings Anonymous 02/11/18(Sun)03:10:33 No.98592622 Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)03:55:44 No.94002579 Less than Wonder Woman and Spiderman Homecoming That means around 200 and 250 millions in America and less than 100 millions overseas. Anonymous 02/11/18(Sun)03:11:35 No.98592638 Hardly anyone knows who black panther is and white people aren't gonna see it anyway. Anonymous 02/01/18(Thu)09:08:01 No.94010589 Movie has a good opening weekend thanks to all those crowdfunded campaigns to get all the welfare goblins a ticket and every feminist dance therapy major in the country going to see it Movie has a worst second weekend dip than Last Jedi thanks to blacks not wanting to spend their gibs on anything other than weed, malt liquor and menthols and all the liberal kids realizing that Black Panther is literally a black version of Trump except with no one trying to oppose his policies Foreign market is a complete ghost town Ends up making less money than Thor 2 RT critic score of 99%(thanks Armond) and user score of 78% Countless articles about how the institutionalized racism of America made people of color afraid to see Black Panther and Whites uninterested in a black hero Anonymous 02/06/18(Tue)23:19:27 No.9427495494275138 MY BRUTHA MAH NIGGAL MUH KANG Cant wait to see it tottally tank Anonymous 02/06/18(Tue)18:36:03 No.98508525 98508475 It's still going to fail. The Chinese will refuse to see this movie and so will the non-SJW portions of white America. Itll, at best, make back its budget. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)22:34:04 No.9445763594457690 >I watched all the black panther reviews on youtube Really obsessed with BP for someone who seems to want to hate it. ■ Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)22:35:47 No.94457690 94457761 I want that n----- movie to fail ■ Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)22:38:05 No.94457781 94457798 94457761 (You) Highest-grossing films worldwide gross Year Reference(s) $2,787,965,087 $2,187,463,944 1997 $2,068,223,624 201 YOUR TEARS Star Wars: The Force Awakens $1,518,812,988 2012 9(#10] $1,405,403,694 $1,341,511,219 $1,333,313,349 $1,332,757,449 $1,290,000,000 $1,263,521,126 (#141#15] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Black Panther t Star Wars: The Last Jedit 2011 2018 2017 2013 2017 2017 2013 2015 2016 2011 (#171, 18] (#191#201 (#211#22] (#231# 22] (#241#25] [#26][#8] (#271#28] (#291#15] 10 Beauty and the Beast The Fate of the Furious $1,238,764,765 $1,214,811,252 $1,159,398,397 $1,153,304,495 $1,123,794,079 Iron Man 3 50M Captain America: Civil War Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 100M 150M 200M 300M 400M 500M 600M 700M 800M □ 900M $1,108,561,013 | 1,104,054,072 $1,084,939,099 $1,066,969,703 (#321# 331 2012 2014 2012 2010 2006 2016 2011 20 TI (#36137] (#381#39] (#401#41] (#421# 43] (#441# 45] The Dark Knight Rises TS3 Toy Story Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest $1,056,057,273 $1,045,713,802 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | Black Panther t $1,333,313,349 $1,333,313,349 1B](
Black Panther
Some are not happy

Black Panther
forgot this one

Black Panther

Black Panther
Black Pant

Black Panther
Come back please

Black Panther

Black Panther
90s Black Panther
Black Panther
I would watch it

Black Panther
The Vibranium is inert!

Black Panther