Corpse Party - Images
It's the news Corpse Party fans have been dying for: Four titles are making their way to Windows PC....
Corpse Party
Ayumi freaking out

Corpse Party
Seiko Shinohara, best spy in all videogames

Corpse Party
I'd rather be peeing

Corpse Party
How does that make you feel

Corpse Party
Yandere Ayumi

Corpse Party
You thought it was kizami BUT IT WAS ME, DIO!

Corpse Party
But you hurt my feels

Corpse Party
Kizami joins the hunt

Corpse Party
Corpse Party

Corpse Party
Christmas Sachiko

Corpse Party
More Kisaragi Cuties

Corpse Party

Corpse Party
Ayumi Shinozaki

Corpse Party

Corpse Party
Corpse Party x Another

Corpse Party