Taylor Swift Jetting Everywhere - Videos + how taylor swifts jet became a meme taylor swift jet on her way how taylor swifts jet became a meme Taylor Swift going to get some milk from the market around the corner indiana jones taylor swift jet Taylor Swift going to get some milk from the market around the corner taylor swift grabbing the mail from outside taylor swift interstellar black hole jet taylor swift grabbing the mail from outside “Should be a short drive like 10-15 minutes” Taylor Swift: taylor swift jet “Should be a short drive like 10-15 minutes” Taylor Swift: Taylor Swift going to pick up a packet of custard creams taylor swift jet Taylor Swift going to pick up a packet of custard creams Taylor Swift when the phone charger is on the other side of the bed helicopter jet taylor swift Taylor Swift when the phone charger is on the other side of the bed Today's Top Video Galleries Carson Shearer's Dance I Bought a Property in Egypt Rachel Chaleff Bop House