The Distracted Girlfriend
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- This is an illustrated Parody of The Distracted Boyfriend meme. I actually call it "The Inconsiderate Girlfriend" because there's already a Distracted Girlfriend meme out there. But I think the popular Distracted Girlfriend meme is too mild, it doesn't match the tension in The Distracted Boyfriend meme.
I'm new to knowyourmeme, so I hope I filled this out correctly. Still figuring this site out, I thought I’d be able to edit this post to improve it, even after I submitted it. I later couldn’t figure out a way to go back and edit it. Now adding extra info.
- The Distracted Boyfriend meme is well known on the internet. Here is one image of the Distracted Boyfriend:
- The Distracted Boyfriend meme features a scenario where women are basically put on display and judged for whether they are pretty enough. As a meme, it is seen through the eyes of the boyfriend and whatever he desires. This is typical in all media, desire is usually seen as women looking good for men while men look at them, not usually the reverse.
A lot of internet users have shared the Distracted Boyfriend meme with different word tags, like in the image above. The tags are a joke in which the woman in red described as a metaphor for something that is tempting to a person. While the spurned girlfriend has a tag over her that describes her as a choice that is more practical than the tempting choice. Yet the practical choice is also uninteresting. [2]
Again, this illustration called "the Inconsiderate Girlfriend" is a parody of the Distracted Boyfriend meme. Here is another version of the Inconsiderate Girlfriend, with different tags
- There is also a Distracted Girlfriend meme out there, shown directly above. After the Distracted Boyfriend became a meme, The Distracted Girlfriend was later produced as a response. The Distracted Girlfriend depicts the same female model who played the spurned Girlfriend in the Distracted Boyfriend meme. [1]
I like the well-known Distracted Girlfriend meme, and I’ll cheer for anyone who is a fan of it. But personally I think it is too mild and does not match the tension in the Distracted Boyfriend meme. It isn’t satisfying enough for somebody who wants to see a gender reversed version of the Distracted Boyfriend meme.
- When you wish for an improvement, it’s best to participate in creating that improvement, rather than wait for it to happen. So for what it’s worth, I created what I think makes a good parody of the Distracted Boyfriend meme. A parody that matches the tension, as well as in the (disturbing) power dynamics of the Distracted Boyfriend meme.
Here is a plain version of the illustration, without tags.
Of course, I also started working on illustrating this “Inconsiderate Girlfriend” before the well-known Distracted Girlfriend meme came out. And I decided to finish this parody anyways.
Does this belong on kym:
I understand this had to be deadpooled, and that’s ok. But I decided to add extra info, for what it’s worth. The definition of what a “meme” is has been pretty unclear everywhere I’ve read about memes, and I’m not claiming this is a meme by some strict definition regarding how popular it is. But I originally thought it made sense to post it to a meme site – since it’s a discussion of a meme that is out there. Where else should I share it, since it is a reaction to a meme.
When I posted this, somebody messaged me directly and insulted me about it, claiming that I did not look at the rules. (I did look at the rules, they were kind of unclear. I Thought that you could upload your own image, and select items as Original content.) Also other sites have claimed that you can “create your own meme.”
It’s up to the moderators what they thought of this entry, and I don’t mind either way. Though I don’t understand why people on this site fight over what is and isn’t a meme by strict definition, or try to fight with you for uploading an image they don’t approve of. Trolls trying to fight over the petty topic of memes: I think you should find something better to do with your time.
Besides that,
If you’re someone who has been longing to see a fierce reversal/ parody of the Distracted Boyfriend meme, then please enjoy this beautiful rejection of an entry!
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