This is Nice Board / Bury Pink Gril
Part of a series on [s4s]. [View Related Entries]

"This is nice entry" – Bury Pink Gril, 2015
"This is Nice Board" is a phrase commonly accompanied by a picture of a recolored version of the Puella Magi Madoka Magica character Madoka Kaname, and often used as a form of shitposting on 4chan's /s4s/ (shit 4chan says) board. This character is also known as Bury Pink Gril, a mispelled way to write "very pink girl".
The original illustration of the anime-styled girl with pink background, blue hair, red hair bows, and green eyes is related to the Madoka Magica series. The illustration was cropped from an awkward looking futanari artwork, which was drawn by gbb for a drawing chat thread in "may" of the /b/ boards in Futaba Channel (2chan). Then he reposted it to his pixiv page on May 6th, 2012.[1]
![えろめの絵チャログ (Censored) Created by "gbb":http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=14092 via "pixiv":http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=27063990 <span style="color:red">*[NSFW!!]*</span>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/945/805/234.jpg)
The first known use of the phrase was on 4chan's /s4s/ board thread on November 8, 2013.[2] On the same thread, a mesage with the same image featured the message "she is bury pink girl", name that later would be given to the fanart crop.

On November 13th, 2013, a thread on /s4s/ featured the same message with a real life modified picture of Katya Lischina, with blue hair, green eyes and everything else pink (shown bellow, left).[3] That made the original picture to be used as exploitable. and other pictures modified to have the same color scheme as it.[4] On December 16th, 2013, another /s4s/ thread featured a modified image of Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons with Bury Pink Gril's head and white skin (shown bellow, right).[5] This one was the first derivate from the picture.

The modified image started a series of derivates, being some of the most popular ones "very pink girl", first featured on a May 4th, 2014 thread;[6] and "beary pink girl", first featured on a February 16th, 2015 thread.[7] Also, crops from the original hentai image started being used.

Made by Peacock Roy
Various Examples

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External References
[1] pixiv – 「えろめの絵チャログ」 / Posted on 05-06-2012 [NSFW!!]
[2] Archive.moe – this is nice board
[3] Archieve.moe – this is nice board
[4] Archieve.moe – Search for 'this is nice board' on /s4s/
[5] Archieve.moe – this is nice board
[6] Archieve.moe – this is nice board
[7] Archieve.moe – nice board :3
Top Comments
Feb 01, 2015 at 10:57PM EST
Mr Original Name
Feb 01, 2015 at 09:41PM EST