Trans Marco Theory - Images
Marco Diaz vs Steven Universe

Trans Marco Theory
i drew star earlier, so i might as well add her gf

Trans Marco Theory
60's au

Trans Marco Theory
cheer up marco

Trans Marco Theory
Marco growing hair out 2

Trans Marco Theory
Marco growing hair out 1

Trans Marco Theory
good concept: marco getting her own princess song

Trans Marco Theory
There she is!

Trans Marco Theory
Margo is a poly bi icon and I love her and support her 3 GF’s and her BF 1

Trans Marco Theory
Margo is a poly bi icon and I love her and support her 3 GF’s and her BF 2

Trans Marco Theory
Margo is a poly bi icon and I love her and support her 3 GF’s and her BF 3

Trans Marco Theory
Margo is a poly bi icon and I love her and support her 3 GF’s and her BF 4

Trans Marco Theory
Trans Girl Marco

Trans Marco Theory
Trans Marco Week!! Day 1 - realization/coming out

Trans Marco Theory
Tom is a lovestruck fool! >:O 2

Trans Marco Theory
Tom is a lovestruck fool! 1

Trans Marco Theory