ugauga udyr
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Ugauga udyr, also known as uga, is a brazilian meme , reference to a league of legends udyr highlight video with more then 230 thousand views on facebook and 16 thousand on youtube , Its common to player writing "uga" in the chat at brazilian lol server when someone picked udyr in game.
Ugauga Udyr meme is created in 31 of decenber of 2019, in a populer league of legends facebook grupo with 139 thousand follower called Eu picko udyr indenpendente do mathup ( I pick Udyr regardless of the matchup) with the objective of showing funny udyr champion highlights in game accompanied with some popular music reference.
the original footage of the video is from a populer youtuber gorsky , then edited by Bruno demarco
The video it self demostrate udyr scaping from other player accompanied with an brazilian funk music"BEAT DO UGA UGA – MC BN e MC GW – Senta Tchuca (DJ Mandrake)" , while udyr teases other players.
The meme became populer after the creater of the video posted on the Eu picko udyr indenpendente do mathup facebook group , and players started writing "uga" in the game chat after someone picks udyr or does something diferent in game in udyr.
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