#VideoGamesAreNotToBlame - Images
No mention of all the NPCs I robbed to be able to afford this house

"Call me Zelda one more time and I'll actually jump"

Boomer Logic

Happens more than we'd like to admit

Pong 1961 | /r/OldSchoolCool

People used to be so chill with getting stabbed. What happened? | r/memes

Ol' RELIABLE. | r/BikiniBottomTwitter

This is BEYOND accurate | r/MinecraftMemes

Narrator: And what happened, then? Well, in Walmart they say – GameStop's small stock grew three si...

Before video games came to be

The True Ultra Instinct

Made this in class | r/dankmemes

Hold down to commit thermonuclear destruction | r/memes

A sick delusion that will drive you insane

As taught by Simon Pegg

ViDeOgAmEs CaUsE kIlLeRs | r/memes
