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This came from the Weegee meme and relitively unknown compared to Weegee.
h1(#id). The Beginning of Malleo

During 2007, the Weegee meme was very popular, getting lots of hits on youtube. One person decided to create the Mario Weegee, which we have come to know as 'Malleo', this person was TheMarioBrother. He created Malleo, which went off to a good start. He used an image from someone who tried to make it orginally.
h2. The Youtube troll war: Weegee vs Koopa

He created the account for Malleo and suddenly lots of accounts appeared named after a 'Weegee' version of a video game character/ cartoon character, for example, SAWNEEK (Sonic), Tode (Toad), Daiseh (Princess Daisy) and the 'good guy' Bowsa (Bowser). They made up a story of how Malleo and Weegee were going to take over the world and Bowsa, Captain Loe Albino and Link Mah Boi could only stop them. This started one of the biggest Troll wars in history on youtube. Then, TMB created the Mahzii, Malleo Nazis, to help attack the Koopas. TMB then moved onto more places, like Jewtube, trying to 'Take them over.'
h3. The Supposed end for the Weegee meme.

After the long Wars of the Weegees and Koopas accounts on Youtube, TMB decied he would try and end the Weegee meme altogether. In 2009 He created the anti-weegee, Cawnker (Conker), and posted anti-weegee/mahzii videos, like the Mahzii Supreme Crunchwrap Gaylord video.During that time there were youtubers who wanted to keep the Meme alive, like MahziiOverlord and GAWFIELD (Garfield), they got TMB to leave and now they are the new generation of Mahzii weegee accounts.
h4. The Mahzii today, the Mahzlovian Empire.

The Mahzii, like I said was started by TMB and kept alive by MahziiOverlord and a person called MAHZIICOMBATROBO. The Mahzii had their name changed to Mahzlovian, to mark that they now run the Mahzii. the 'Mahzlovian Empire' has spread into games, like the American MMOG ROBLOX, where they have over 150 people helping them keep the fad alive. They have gotten onto deviant art and many other places.

Hopefully, as the Weegee meme survies, this one will as well.

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Weegee - Malleo, the Mahzii and the Mahzlovian Empire

Weegee - Malleo, the Mahzii and the Mahzlovian Empire

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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This came from the Weegee meme and relitively unknown compared to Weegee.
h1(#id). The Beginning of Malleo

During 2007, the Weegee meme was very popular, getting lots of hits on youtube. One person decided to create the Mario Weegee, which we have come to know as 'Malleo', this person was TheMarioBrother. He created Malleo, which went off to a good start. He used an image from someone who tried to make it orginally.
h2. The Youtube troll war: Weegee vs Koopa

He created the account for Malleo and suddenly lots of accounts appeared named after a 'Weegee' version of a video game character/ cartoon character, for example, SAWNEEK (Sonic), Tode (Toad), Daiseh (Princess Daisy) and the 'good guy' Bowsa (Bowser). They made up a story of how Malleo and Weegee were going to take over the world and Bowsa, Captain Loe Albino and Link Mah Boi could only stop them. This started one of the biggest Troll wars in history on youtube. Then, TMB created the Mahzii, Malleo Nazis, to help attack the Koopas. TMB then moved onto more places, like Jewtube, trying to 'Take them over.'
h3. The Supposed end for the Weegee meme.

After the long Wars of the Weegees and Koopas accounts on Youtube, TMB decied he would try and end the Weegee meme altogether. In 2009 He created the anti-weegee, Cawnker (Conker), and posted anti-weegee/mahzii videos, like the Mahzii Supreme Crunchwrap Gaylord video.During that time there were youtubers who wanted to keep the Meme alive, like MahziiOverlord and GAWFIELD (Garfield), they got TMB to leave and now they are the new generation of Mahzii weegee accounts.
h4. The Mahzii today, the Mahzlovian Empire.

The Mahzii, like I said was started by TMB and kept alive by MahziiOverlord and a person called MAHZIICOMBATROBO. The Mahzii had their name changed to Mahzlovian, to mark that they now run the Mahzii. the 'Mahzlovian Empire' has spread into games, like the American MMOG ROBLOX, where they have over 150 people helping them keep the fad alive. They have gotten onto deviant art and many other places.

Hopefully, as the Weegee meme survies, this one will as well.

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