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A parody of Seinfeld know as "Whinefeld" from a PC game made in 1996, known as "Stay Tooned". It is a cut scene sketch. The Sketch is just Jerry, George and Kramer going "ahhh" "ehhh" "Wah hah" and "uh huh". It has had many crossovers in Youtube Poops among other videos. It has recently gained a cult following with many Youtube Poopers. The first Youtube Pooper to use "Whinefeld" was SkyGuy16. It also has a Facebook group dedicated to it now created in early January of 2010. It has also been used on 4chan, as a reaction to something confusing, usually having the text of "ahhh" next to it.
As of 2/9/10 there are 110 videos tagged with or containing Whinefeld.
Original Video:
Whinefeld HD:
A Youtube Poop:
Recently some Youtubers have attempting to sentence mix Whinefeld heres the video that made it into a sort of contest:
Whinefeld has also made in appearence in G-Mod:
Recent Videos
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