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Part of a series on NFKRZ. [View Related Entries]


"You're Mom Gay" is a satirical insult which typically uses the intentionally grammatically incorrect phrase as a form of shitposting online.


The earliest known instance of the phrase and origin of the common usage as a joke comes from Pyrocynical video "Rush B – CS:GO" from June 16th, 2016 in which Pyro's friend NFKRZ responds to another player with "Because your mom gay" at the 5:53 mark(shown below)


On August 27th, 2017, an anonymous 4chan user responded to a thread on /bank/ with the phrase "you're mom gay" (shown below).[3]

Anonymous ID: 18eXTXov Thu 24 Aug 2017 10:49:58 No.1896808 Quoted By: >1896814 Report >>1896803 you're mom gay

On September 27th, Urban Dictionary user submitted a definition for the phrase (shown below).

you're mom gay An idiom, developed in the late 1800's, that nowadays is used in the literal sense: that the person saying this, is telling the person receiving that their mother, is in fact a homosexual, or merely as an insult, that makes no literal sense. But in its half century (or so) of use was in the actual sense of an idiom; in that it could be used in a slightly more nonlinear sense My analysis of the idiom: I first like to look at the use of the work "you're" which is the contraction of the words "you are," which I can believe is a way to really emphasize how personal the use of the phrase can be. Then there's the word "mom," the person who birthed you, the reasorn that you're currently on this world. Now many people are upset whenever you talk about their mother in a negative sense, and since this is right before the word "gay," whose definition relates to being attracted to the same sex which is taboo in culture today, and was much more in previous centuries, many believe this to have a negative connotation while in conjunction with the word "mom." But I find it to have been used in a much lighter sense in previous centuries, not being used as an insult, but more a compliment generally meaning your mother is quite lighthearted, since gay isn' t just a way as classiTying someone as being attracted to the same sex, but also as an adjective to describe a good experience, or a nice person. "Wow, Dave. Your Mom's really nice. You could say 'you're mom gay." "Thanks, John, she'd love to hear that."

On October 8th, 2017, Instagram user largetrap posted a video with subtitle edits to one of the first scenes in the video game Cuphead where the one of the Elder Tea Kettle's lines is replaced with "You'er mom gay"(shown below)

The cutscenes in this game are beautiful

A post shared by massive chick wit a d--k (@largetrap) on

On October 13th, 2017, Redditor AutismZone submitted a screen-captured image from the film Kung Fu Panda with the words "ur mom gay lol" edited on to a scroll to /r/MemeEconomy[2] (shown below, left). On December 2nd, YouTuber Shivix uploaded footage of a teenager exiting a closet while looking at the camera and saying "your mom gay" (shown below, right).

Ur mom gay lol

On February 18th, 2018, YouTuber PewDiePie uploaded a review of the meme, which received upwards of 4.3 million views and 50,600 comments in one month (shown below).

Jokes sarcastically depicting the phrases "no u" and "ur dad lesbian" as clever retorts to the insult have frequently been used in various image macros online (shown below).

5th grader: You are mom gay lel Me, an itellectual: Nobelium Uranium| Nobelium 102 Uranium 92 No U [259] 238.02891
ur mom gay lol no u
Lmao your dad lesbian

On February 18th, 2018, Urban Dictionary[5] user UrMomThot225 submitted an entry for "ur dad lesbian," along with the description "worse than ur mom gay" (shown below).

ur dad lesbian Worse then ur mom gay Carl "UR MOM GAY" Joe - "urdad lesbian" Carl- "dies

Your Mom Suck Me Good and Hard Through My Jorts

On October 17th, 2017, Tumblr[6] user sneeringimperialist wrote, “Monty Python was just Rick and Morty for boomers.” Shortly after, Tumblr user funny-juxtaposition commented, “you have said some thing over these past few years but this as an opinion is definitive confirmation that you’re a braindead contrarian mongoloid.” sneeringimperialist responded, “your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts.”  The post (shown below) received more than 60 notes and inspired others to use the phrase as a shitpost in various comments and images.

funny-juxtaposition sneeringimperialist: Monty Python was just Rick and Morty for boomers you have said some thing over these past few years but this as an opinion is definitive confirmation that you're a braindead contrarian mongoloid your mom suck me good and hard through my orts

Six months later, April 2nd, 2018, Tumblr[7] user shitty-fallout-art posted a mock conversation. It read, “Doctor Klein: ‘ I was expecting a battle of wits, but you appear to be unarmed’ Doctor 0: ‘your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts.’” The post (shown below, left) received more than 200 notes in two months.

On May 18th, Redditor[8] retr0spectre posted a variation of the Why Is the FBI Here? meme in the /r/dankmemes. In the post, retr0spectre posted a mock text message conversation of one person typing "how to make Andrew like me" into Google. Simutaneously, the person typing received a text from Andrew that reads, "your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts" (shown below, right).

Doctor Klein: "I was expecting a battle of wits, but you appear to be unarmed" Doctor 0: "your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts" #doctor klein #fallout #fallout new vegas #old world blues #think tanks #doctor 0 #shittys shitposts #1 might draw this later idk
MESSAGES Andrew Your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts now how to make andrew like me ALL VIDEOS IMAGES NEWS MAPS

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External References

[1] Urban Dictionary – You're Mom Gay

[2] Reddit – /r/MemeEconomy

[3] Nyafuu – /bant/ thread

[4] Instagram – You'er mom gay

[5] Urban Dictionary – ur dad lesbian

[6] Tumblr – sneeringimperialist's Post

[7] Tumblr – shitty-fallout-art's Post

[8] Reddit – Oof ouch owie

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You're Mom Gay

You're Mom Gay

Part of a series on NFKRZ. [View Related Entries]

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"You're Mom Gay" is a satirical insult which typically uses the intentionally grammatically incorrect phrase as a form of shitposting online.


The earliest known instance of the phrase and origin of the common usage as a joke comes from Pyrocynical video "Rush B – CS:GO" from June 16th, 2016 in which Pyro's friend NFKRZ responds to another player with "Because your mom gay" at the 5:53 mark(shown below)


On August 27th, 2017, an anonymous 4chan user responded to a thread on /bank/ with the phrase "you're mom gay" (shown below).[3]

Anonymous ID: 18eXTXov Thu 24 Aug 2017 10:49:58 No.1896808 Quoted By: >1896814 Report >>1896803 you're mom gay

On September 27th, Urban Dictionary user submitted a definition for the phrase (shown below).

you're mom gay An idiom, developed in the late 1800's, that nowadays is used in the literal sense: that the person saying this, is telling the person receiving that their mother, is in fact a homosexual, or merely as an insult, that makes no literal sense. But in its half century (or so) of use was in the actual sense of an idiom; in that it could be used in a slightly more nonlinear sense My analysis of the idiom: I first like to look at the use of the work "you're" which is the contraction of the words "you are," which I can believe is a way to really emphasize how personal the use of the phrase can be. Then there's the word "mom," the person who birthed you, the reasorn that you're currently on this world. Now many people are upset whenever you talk about their mother in a negative sense, and since this is right before the word "gay," whose definition relates to being attracted to the same sex which is taboo in culture today, and was much more in previous centuries, many believe this to have a negative connotation while in conjunction with the word "mom." But I find it to have been used in a much lighter sense in previous centuries, not being used as an insult, but more a compliment generally meaning your mother is quite lighthearted, since gay isn' t just a way as classiTying someone as being attracted to the same sex, but also as an adjective to describe a good experience, or a nice person. "Wow, Dave. Your Mom's really nice. You could say 'you're mom gay." "Thanks, John, she'd love to hear that."

On October 8th, 2017, Instagram user largetrap posted a video with subtitle edits to one of the first scenes in the video game Cuphead where the one of the Elder Tea Kettle's lines is replaced with "You'er mom gay"(shown below)

The cutscenes in this game are beautiful

A post shared by massive chick wit a d--k (@largetrap) on

On October 13th, 2017, Redditor AutismZone submitted a screen-captured image from the film Kung Fu Panda with the words "ur mom gay lol" edited on to a scroll to /r/MemeEconomy[2] (shown below, left). On December 2nd, YouTuber Shivix uploaded footage of a teenager exiting a closet while looking at the camera and saying "your mom gay" (shown below, right).

Ur mom gay lol

On February 18th, 2018, YouTuber PewDiePie uploaded a review of the meme, which received upwards of 4.3 million views and 50,600 comments in one month (shown below).

Jokes sarcastically depicting the phrases "no u" and "ur dad lesbian" as clever retorts to the insult have frequently been used in various image macros online (shown below).

5th grader: You are mom gay lel Me, an itellectual: Nobelium Uranium| Nobelium 102 Uranium 92 No U [259] 238.02891 ur mom gay lol no u Lmao your dad lesbian

On February 18th, 2018, Urban Dictionary[5] user UrMomThot225 submitted an entry for "ur dad lesbian," along with the description "worse than ur mom gay" (shown below).

ur dad lesbian Worse then ur mom gay Carl "UR MOM GAY" Joe - "urdad lesbian" Carl- "dies

Your Mom Suck Me Good and Hard Through My Jorts

On October 17th, 2017, Tumblr[6] user sneeringimperialist wrote, “Monty Python was just Rick and Morty for boomers.” Shortly after, Tumblr user funny-juxtaposition commented, “you have said some thing over these past few years but this as an opinion is definitive confirmation that you’re a braindead contrarian mongoloid.” sneeringimperialist responded, “your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts.”  The post (shown below) received more than 60 notes and inspired others to use the phrase as a shitpost in various comments and images.

funny-juxtaposition sneeringimperialist: Monty Python was just Rick and Morty for boomers you have said some thing over these past few years but this as an opinion is definitive confirmation that you're a braindead contrarian mongoloid your mom suck me good and hard through my orts

Six months later, April 2nd, 2018, Tumblr[7] user shitty-fallout-art posted a mock conversation. It read, “Doctor Klein: ‘ I was expecting a battle of wits, but you appear to be unarmed’ Doctor 0: ‘your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts.’” The post (shown below, left) received more than 200 notes in two months.

On May 18th, Redditor[8] retr0spectre posted a variation of the Why Is the FBI Here? meme in the /r/dankmemes. In the post, retr0spectre posted a mock text message conversation of one person typing "how to make Andrew like me" into Google. Simutaneously, the person typing received a text from Andrew that reads, "your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts" (shown below, right).

Doctor Klein: "I was expecting a battle of wits, but you appear to be unarmed" Doctor 0: "your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts" #doctor klein #fallout #fallout new vegas #old world blues #think tanks #doctor 0 #shittys shitposts #1 might draw this later idk MESSAGES Andrew Your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts now how to make andrew like me ALL VIDEOS IMAGES NEWS MAPS

Search Interest

External References

[1] Urban Dictionary – You're Mom Gay

[2] Reddit – /r/MemeEconomy

[3] Nyafuu – /bant/ thread

[4] Instagram – You'er mom gay

[5] Urban Dictionary – ur dad lesbian

[6] Tumblr – sneeringimperialist's Post

[7] Tumblr – shitty-fallout-art's Post

[8] Reddit – Oof ouch owie

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