After Seth Meyers Apology, 'Dark Brandon' Orders The Deep State To 'Take Him Off The List'

Published February 27, 2024

Published February 27, 2024

Dark Brandon is proving to be a frequent presence on the 2024 presidential campaign trail, as Joe Biden, yet again, channeled his meme alter ego in a skit with late-night host Seth Meyers that was posted to TikTok yesterday.

Meyers knocks on the President's dressing room door and apologizes for doing an imitation of the chief executive. Good old, mild-mannered Biden tells him it's fine, but as soon as the door closes, the aviator sunglasses are slipped on and a call is placed on a phone, "Take him off the list," Brandon orders.

The sunglasses, it should be noted, are not a canonical part of the Dark Brandon meme as it has existed online since around 2022. Sunglasses are more a part of Joe Biden's personal brand.

However, if an entity did have laser eyes (as Dark Brandon is rumored to possess) it might be useful for it to wear a pair of sunglasses in order to protect them, or to protect others from them.

Arguably, however, Biden's embrace of Dark Brandon has not been fully meme-literate due to the detail of the sunglasses.

Joe Biden has already done similar bits at the White House Correspondents' dinner (slipping on the sunglasses again), as well as at his "Soul of the Nation" speech last year with dramatic red lighting that some commentators like ContraPoints called "deliberate Brandonification."

The Biden-Harris campaign has also sold a color-changing mug (which has the laser eyes) and other Dark Brandon-inspired merch on its site.

The post comes as Biden's campaign seems to have pivoted to TikTok, starting an account that posts about the President's student debt relief initiatives.

However, the campaign appears to be in trouble with younger voters, many of whom are concerned both about the President's age and his support for the Israeli military's actions in Gaza. In the comments of the viral video, some users addressed these concerns.

As Dark Brandon approaches its second birthday, it continues to cement its status as one of the political memes most likely to end up in a high school history textbook.

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