'Because He's Jeff Goldblum' Explores The Curious Meme Culture Behind The Hollywood Actor And Why He’s Such A Prominent Figure In Online Humor

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

In the world of internet culture, there are lots of celebrities who tend to be more prolific than others, and Jeff Goldblum is undoubtedly one of those. Ever since meme culture began picking up steam in the late 2000s, Goldblum has consistently been a focal point, but why does the internet adore this particular actor so much?

It’s this question of “why Goldblum?” that piqued the curiosity of Washington Post reporter Travis M. Andrews, inspiring him to delve deeper into the mysterious appeal of Goldblum with his upcoming book, Because He's Jeff Goldblum The Movies, Memes and Meaning of Hollywood's Most Enigmatic Actor.

“Funnily enough, that was the exact question that led to this book,” Andrews told us in a recent interview. “Back in 2018, I was sitting in the newsroom and chatting with my fellow reporters about how beloved Goldblum is. At some point, I said that I didn't quite understand how this guy, who was an enormous star in the '90s, remained such a cultural icon — especially since he isn't doing much A-list acting these days. Almost as a chorus, all my colleagues responded, ‘because he's Jeff Goldblum!’”

Travis M. Andrews and the cover of his book Because he's Jeff Goldblum.

After that encounter, Andrews said he was inspired to dig into the fascination with Goldblum and came up with the idea for his book. “I decided to keep digging, to try talking to people who knew him and who worked with him over the years. The more I learned, the more interested I became.”

In his first book, Andrews explores everything from some of Goldblum’s most iconic movies over the years, his mystifying career, funny anecdotes and stories about him, as well as his rich history online. While it’s partially a biography and celebration of his storied career, Because He's Jeff Goldblum focuses much of its time on how the internet (and memes) have helped the actor remain culturally relevant for decades, even during dry spells in Goldblum’s screentime.

“I'm particularly interested in the myriad ways the internet has changed all facets of culture, including the way we interact, how it's shaped the nature of celebrity, how it's altered our attention spans and our senses of humor,” Andrews told us. “ It might seem obvious to state outright, but in so many ways, I believe the internet's influence on the world is the biggest story in journalism.”

As far back as the late 2000s, Goldblum began appearing in memes such as Jeff Goldblum Is Watching You Poop, Drunk Jeff Goldblum and, of course, the classic catchphrase “Life Finds A Way” — perhaps the most well-known contribution from his career to internet culture.

“A solid portion of the book focuses exclusively on memes, giving a brief history of how they came to be in the first place,” Andrews said. “I placed particular emphasis on an early meme known as ‘Jeff Goldblum is watching you poop.’ Now, this was in the early days of memedom, and the idea was that it would enter the physical world. People were encouraged to print it out and hang it in bathroom stalls, often on the door, so if someone needed to take a seat, they'd be staring into the tall man's eyes. I was so lucky to speak with a number of experts on memes, who helped me connect those early days to the memes we see now, such as his famous ‘Must Go Faster’ meme.”

About why Andrews himself thinks Goldblum has enjoyed such a prevalence online, and a positive one at that, he told us that the actor’s authenticity is his secret sauce.

“Probably the most important thing about Goldblum is how truly authentic he is,” Andrews said. “I've mentioned that he was an A-list actor and then began taking smaller roles, focused on his jazz career and developed an immense interest in fashion. The thing is, though, he could have remained a major movie star if he wanted to. But, as he'll often say, he's never been a ‘careerist,’ meaning he follows his own muse rather than chasing fame and money. I think that's rare, and I think it's becoming increasingly rarer in this attention economy we're in, thanks in large part to social media. Yet he just does whatever whimsical things he wants to, which people seem to truly connect with.”

While tons of celebrities wind up the subject of memes, Andrews feels that Goldblum’s memeability stems from his mysterious aura, which mirrors elements of internet humor. Additionally, Goldblum’s striking physicality, such as his height and expressive facial features, means he was bound to become a relatable character for expressing emotions, which is the root of why memes are so prominent in our society today. “Having one subject who is so visually versatile is extremely useful for creating memes.”

For those interested in picking up a copy for themselves, Because He's Jeff Goldblum drops on May 4th and will be available at most major bookstores or online retailers.

“I think the book's a lot of fun and will hopefully put a smile on the face of any reader who gives it a shot. My goal with it was to bring a little light in the world, and I sure hope I succeeded.”

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