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Christopher Nolan Reportedly Recreating Nuclear Blast Without CGI Alarms Social Media

Christopher Nolan Reportedly Recreating Nuclear Blast Without CGI Alarms Social Media
Christopher Nolan Reportedly Recreating Nuclear Blast Without CGI Alarms Social Media

Published December 12, 2022

Published December 12, 2022

For those who aren't aware, Christopher Nolan (the director behind The Dark Knight trilogy) has a famous preference for practical effects over CGI.

So much so, in fact, that social media now fears that Nolan will destroy the world in pursuit of an accurate nuclear blast and fallout effects as part of his upcoming film Oppenheimer, which apparently requires such scenes.

It was reported that Nolan, still filming integral scenes for the film, was able to recreate the first nuclear weapon detonation without the use of CGI, which began to spread fast as such a feat seems impossible to do off the simple premise of how powerful nuclear explosions are.

Previous knowledge of Nolan's penchant for doing things as authentically as possible, combined with the source material of the movie being literal nuclear devastation and bombs, led to many social media users fearposting as though Nolan was directly planning on recreating other integral scenes via actual nuclear weapons.

These posts and memes then started to devolve into talking about the cast and crew that would be subject to nuclear blasts, ending with the fear that Nolan would ironically drop two more bombs on Japan as part of the filming process.

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