CNN Investigates Inflation, Interviews Family Who Buys 12 Gallons Of Milk A Week

Published November 04, 2021

Published November 04, 2021

As Twitter users woke up this morning, many were greeted by a CNN clip talking about how inflation is affecting the average American consumer. Journalist Evan McMorris-Santano went grocery shopping with the Stotler family in Texas to get their take.

Based on this setup, you can probably guess how the segment goes: regular items costing more than they once did proves to be a struggle for this average American family. However, one quote caught Twitter's eye: "A gallon of milk was $1.99. Now it's $2.79. When you buy 12 gallons a week times four weeks, that's a lot of money."

With a little bit of math, it seems the Stotler family goes through 1.7 gallons of milk per day. Suffice to say, that is quite a lot of milk. Granted, there are 11 people in the Stotler family (two parents, nine kids), which would make the average family member's milk consumption … 1.4 pints daily. That's still a lot of milk for one person, which was not lost on Twitter users.

Others found further flaws with CNN's story on the supposedly skyrocketing milk prices. For starters, a gallon of milk hasn't cost $1.99 since 1995, which CNN did not note in their piece. Furthermore, the story omits the fact that American families are receiving between $250-$300 per child a month as part of the White House's Child Tax Credit.

These omissions led many to believe that the whole thing seem like a hit job designed to make Americans panic about inflation in Biden's America, and many weren't buying it.

At the very least, we may have discovered the cousin of Spiders Georg, Udders Georg.

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