Of Course There's Coronavirus Porn Now

Published March 04, 2020

Published March 04, 2020

The spread of a potential pandemic doesn't just cause people to stock up on supplies, obsessively wash their hands and stay inside for days on end. It also inspires pornography.

According to a new report from Motherboard, a series of adult films inspired by the spread of the coronavirus has begun to overtake the internet. These videos, which in, at least, one case consist of a man in a hazmat suit entering a quarantine zone to provide medicine for an infected patient, end as you would expect: With sex.

These videos, however, aren't just designed to provide people with a little release during these trying times, but also to inform the public on proper precautions about the spread of the CONVID-19 virus.

Motherboard, in their conversation with one of the creators "Chase Poundher, who appears in the video "COVID-19 Coronavirus: Horny Slut Has to Use Protection During Outbreak!," says the videos provides viewers with a "30-second PSA on coronavirus with concision the CDC could envy: on the state of the coronavirus outbreak in China, the purpose of masks, and why they should use protection during sex."

Poundher claims that they hoped to use their God-given talents for making erotic entertainment to inform a worried public about proper precautions in these trying times.

Other performers echoed their sentiments. One of the more popular versions of the adult PSAs comes from the Xhamster duo Spicy x Rice, who also hopes to educate as well as titillate.

"We thought we would use our porn as an avenue to get some legitimate information out with some comic relief included to get people interested and reduce our chances of being banned," Spicy tells Motherboard. "This sparked the idea, knowing every current event ends up as a porn eventually, we knew people will be searching for it on less censored platforms like Pornhub."

As the coronavirus continues to spread in the United States and around the world, it's good to know that people are doing something to make a difference. Thank you for your service.

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