Creative Director Of Twitch Accused Of Harassing Streamer In His Own Chat About Controversial Policy Changes

The streaming platform Twitch has had a rough month with different controversies taking place between the platform and its streamers and viewers.
With the highly contentious changes to ad revenue splits looming in the air, Twitch recently unveiled a massive sweeping change to its content policy, which the streamers took as something that would negatively affect them and their ability to make money on the platform via sponsored streams and branded content.
One streamer, Harris Heller, was going into detail about his interpretations of the changes earlier this week when a Twitch staffer joined the chat and began retorting to the streamer's takes as he went through them with his community.
A @Twitch Staff Member came into Harris Heller's Stream and harassed him for almost 10 minutes
Harris tried to ban him but you cannot ban Twitch Staff from a chat on Twitch
WTF— Teddward (@teddward_) June 13, 2023
When Harris then attempted to ban the staff member from chatting, he quickly became concerned as it is not an option, to which Harris quickly determined that his only option at that point was to end stream and give up on streaming for the night, effectively ending his thoughts on the policy changes.
As noted by several people though, this wasn't a random Twitch admin or quality assurance staffer, but none other than the Creative Director behind the platform, Seth Hendrix, who was going into the chat channel and began arguing with Harris.
In the hours following the event, Hendrix privated his Twitter account and went back and deleted the messages he sent Harris in the chat, which people took note of and called him out for as the controversial altercation went viral in recent days.

The move adds further fuel to the growing backlash against the platform this year, which has, so far, remained committed to its changes despite community outrage from many.
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