Critics Of Israel Roast Pro-Israel Group's 'Iron Dome' Superhero Design

Pro-Israel Twitter account @StandWithUs is catching flack for tweeting an anthropomorphized superhero version of Israel's Iron Dome, a missile defense system that intercepts rockets bound for the country.
🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Introducing, a new Israeli superhero: Iron Dome, the protector/defender of Israel. We love it! #irondome10 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Credit: Sarai Givaty/— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) May 30, 2021
The piece was drawn by artist Yehuda DeVir and initially shared by Israeli Instagram user saraigivaty. In her post explaining the inspiration for the piece, she wrote that to soothe her children, she told them that a superhero named the Iron Dome was protecting them and that if they heard an explosion, it was Iron Dome doing his job.
The recent bombings between Hamas and Israel have led to strong support online for Palestine and harsh criticism of Israel, as Palestinian citizens have been devastated by the conflict. Twitter users on average were not amused by the portrayal of Israel's Iron Dome as a superhero in the wake of the conflict.
Superpowers include ethnic cleansing, land grabs and apartheid
— Richard Medhurst 🇸🇾🇵🇸 (@richimedhurst) May 31, 2021
Was “The Genocider” taken?
— Goofy Big Brains (@OhHeyMarc) May 31, 2021
Here, I fixed your pic:
— Abdullah Mullanee (@aamullanee) May 31, 2021
Others pointed that the idea of an Israeli superhero had been explored before by Marvel in an Incredible Hulk comic. Sabra, who made her debut in 1981, was stirred by The Hulk to reflect upon her actions defending Israel after the death of a Palestinian boy.
Marvel did it first
— Rade (Nvm) (@Rade54yu) May 31, 2021
Gonna take a moment and share this here when the man himself, Stan Lee, was running Marvel Comics
— jania hoffer (@doesheeventweet) May 31, 2021
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