Fans Send Condolences To the "Venture Bros.," Canceled After 17 Years

As if 2020 wasn't rough enough, Venture Bros. fans got a gut punch over the weekend. Following days of rumors, series creator Jackson Publick announced the shows untimely cancelation by Cartoon Network.
A decision made months ago, Publick dropped the news on an unsuspecting fanbase yesterday afternoon. He left little room for hope of a series pickup elsewhere.
Unfortunately, it’s true: #VentureBros has been canceled. We got the highly disappointing news a few months ago, while we were writing what would have been season 8. We thank you, our amazing fans, for 17 years of your kind (and patient) attention. And, as always, We Love You.
— Jackson Publick (@jacksonpublick) September 7, 2020
Series co-creator Doc Hammer also confirmed the show's cancelation on Facebook, offering a brief obit of his beloved series.
"Yup, canceled," he wort. "You're right by saying 'Sucks.' Here’s my take on the whole thing. The ‘big picture’ of it. The hows, whys, and what-nows are still shrouded in secret codes passed in clandestine meetings."
"But what really matters to me is what the Venture Bros. is, was, and always shall be. The Venture Bros. is a little baby made by me and Jackson."
Im hurt about venture bros
— The Real Life Black Monarch (@crocadill) September 8, 2020
The show, which ran for seven seasons over the past 17 years (!) years, amassed a cult following in its near-two-decade run. Though the show's releases were sporadic and inconsistent, fans always held out for the return of the Ventures.
Before confirmation, rumors swirled online as fans hoped to stave off cancelation, tweeting their support of the series on Twitter.
Venture Bros being canceled would be one of the biggest tragedies of Western Animation if true.
Pretty much no animated series on Television now is as consistently funny, well-developed, and artistically striking.#GoTeamVenture #VentureBros— Jeffrey (@OneTrickJeffrey) September 6, 2020
We need to get #VentureBros and #GoTeamVenture Trending to show that we're still here, we're still waiting for Season 8 and the show isn't going anywhere as long as we have anything to say about it!
— The Venture Bros. out of context #SaveVentureBros (@VentureBrosOOC) September 6, 2020
Adult Swim commented briefly on the situation, stating that they were "working with Jackson and Doc to find another way to continue to Venture Bros. story." This might read a bit like negotiating in public, which could result in more Ventures.
We also want more
Venture Bros. and have been working with Jackson and Doc to find
another way to continue the Venture Bros. story.—
adultswim (@adultswim) September
8, 2020
However, it appears that those efforts were simply the beginning of the five stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Following Publick's tweet, acceptance took over as fans and cast members expressed their disappointment and anger.
Well, it's official: #VentureBros has been cancelled, and there will be no Season 8. I'd like to thank Jackson, Doc, and the whole Venture Bros. Crew for bringing one of the best TV shows of all time to life over the past 17 years. Thank you all and, as always, #GoTeamVenture!
— The Venture Bros. out of context #SaveVentureBros (@VentureBrosOOC) September 7, 2020
So, as it must to all, cancellation has come for The Venture Bros. The pilot aired 17 years ago, which means the show was almost old enough to vote. It was one of the great gifts of my life & career. The fans were, quite simply, the best. Thank you, everybody. Go. Team. Venture!
— James Urbaniak (@JamesUrbaniak) September 8, 2020
Venture Bros, Metalocalypse, and Moral Orel fans at Adult Swim right now.
— RKzero10 – COMMISSIONS OPEN (@RKzero10) September 8, 2020
Adult Swim regularly throws money at absolutely awful shit and they couldn't give Venture Bros a wrap-up season?
— Civvie11 (@Civvie11) September 8, 2020
Im hurt about venture bros
— The Real Life Black Monarch (@crocadill) September 8, 2020
Pouring one out for #VentureBros tonight. Hoping someone rescues this weird and frequently hilarious show that rewarded faithful viewers in spades
— Chris #BlackLivesMatter Carroll MD (@ChrisCarrollMD) September 8, 2020
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