Joe Biden Trolls Mike Bloomberg's Meme Strategy In Attack Ad

Published February 20, 2020

Published February 20, 2020

Mike Bloomberg might be the first candidate to use meme influencers as part of his campaign strategy, but Joe Biden is the first to use it against him.

In a new attack ad by Joe Biden, the former vice president mimics the sponsored content format used by "Jerry Media"/memes/people/elliot-tebele-fuck-jerry/'s political wing Meme 2020 for the Bloomberg campaign to pick apart the billionaire's "cool guy" image.

The past few months haven't been kind of Biden, who has dramatically fallen from his position as national frontrunner candidate at the start of the democratic primaries. However, since Bloomberg's sudden, and expensive, jump into the race, he's become the target for candidates who have been campaigning for months.

Last week, the Bloomberg campaign, with the help of Jerry Media, littered Instagram with spon-con about the candidate. These mock direct messages between Bloomberg and prominent Instagram meme influencers, such as FuckJerry and Sonny5ideup, became the subject of parody and conversation online with some criticizing the accounts for taking money from the candidate.

It seems unlikely that using the format against Bloomberg will endear Biden with younger voters. However, some supporters appear to like the ad.

Others, however, are more critical.

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