Joe Rogan's Use Of N-Word In Old Podcasts Prompts Massive Pushback And Deletion Of A Hundred Old Episodes

A viral video of Joe Rogan saying the N-word multiple times that was gathered from clips of previous JRE podcast episodes has ignited several reactions and discussions online, as well as caused Spotify to pull over a hundred episodes from its lineup.
The video came out on Thursday, and it immediately started to catch people's attention around the web as it became the latest battle in the ongoing fight against Rogan that was reignited when Neil Young tried to get Spotify to choose between him or Rogan by threatening to remove his music.
Rogan later put up an apology video to try and address the concerns of people and to say that the clips were taken out of context and were from many years prior, prompting a bigger response from people reacting to his apology.
Didn’t have a ‘Joe Rogan says the n word’ compilation video on the calendar today 🥴😂
— David (@thatguydavid718) February 3, 2022
Thread: Joe Rogan said the video of him saying the N-word repeatedly was taken “out of context,” “he hasn’t said [the N-word] in years,” and he’s “not racist.”
Scroll down to see 2017 clips of Joe Rogan arguing for using the N-word and urging a guest to say it.#SpotifyKnew— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) February 6, 2022
BREAKING NEWS: Under the cover of night, Spotify quietly removes over 70 episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast that include offensive remarks and racial slurs by Rogan -- such as multiple casual uses of the n-word -- from its platform. RT IF YOU THINK THAT IT’S TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!
— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) February 5, 2022
SHOCKING! It took a viral video to force Spotify to remove over 110 episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast where he used the N-word or told a racist story. Yes, I said 110!
Who else has #DeletedSpotify? ✋— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) February 6, 2022
With Spotify removing hundreds of episodes following the viral controversy, people all over social media began to either attack or defend Rogan from the current situation. Some of the reasons given for the people defending him are that he is simply inquiring about things, is a champion for free speech and is only being under fire politically because it's now a midterm election year and his podcast is seen as too strong and uncontrollable by the electorate.
The reasons given for those opposed to Rogan are that he is continually spreading COVID disinformation, either actively on purpose or accidentally through his questioning of the science, and that him featuring prominent far-right figures has helped to push the alt-right into being a much stronger, unified force than it was beforehand.
Book burning. Or, more precisely: library burning. Orwell: "he who controls the past controls the future" stop this now @Spotify now now now
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 6, 2022
Nobody targeting Joe Rogan right now gives two damns about anything he's said in the past. This is all just an opportunity for activists to destroy a guy who doesn't carry water for those with institutional power, and whose audience dwarfs their own. It is that simple.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 6, 2022
My former colleague, the beloved @miggyrod33, died Monday at 47. I don’t know if he ever listened to Joe Rogan’s podcast; I do know that, with 900,000 Americans dead of Covid, the misinformation spread there is inexcusable. My column. No paywall.
— 💫 Margaret Sullivan (@Sulliview) February 6, 2022
Joe Rogan
- is too successful
- is too close to uncovering truths
- has a big platform whose narrative can’t be controlled, particularly during elections
This threatens too many powerful people.— Carol Roth (@caroljsroth) February 6, 2022
BREAKING NEWS: The Rock takes back his support of Joe Rogan after learning of Rogan’s multiple uses of the n-word on his podcast, calling it a “learning moment” for him. RT TO THANK @TheRock FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING!
— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) February 5, 2022
Due to the age of the clips in which Rogan has him saying the N-word, and the supposed context in which he claims to have been quoting other people who were saying it, or saying it in a proper context for discussion, many online have started to post videos of other prominent figures, particularly of the left such as Hasan Piker and Joe Biden using the word themselves in the past. With The Rock also pulling back on his support of Rogan, people have started trying to dig up clips of him saying things that are also unsavory, claiming that if the context doesn't matter, everyone involved should be canceled for things said in the past.
If the woke mob is so offended by what Joe Rogan said in the past… just wait until they discover Howard Stern.
— Tim Young 🚛 (@TimRunsHisMouth) February 6, 2022
What Joe Rogan did is totally unacceptable
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) February 5, 2022
Here is The Rock calling John Cena a ‘bloated transv*stite Wonder Woman’
Please DO NOT RT this clip as the regime is trying to cancel Joe Rogan today— Truckistan Amb. Poso 🏁 (@JackPosobiec) February 5, 2022
Joe Rogan quotes others using a bad word and it’s a mob after him.
Joe Biden quoting the n bomb and he gets 81,000,000 votes!— Cernovich (@Cernovich) February 5, 2022
At the same time, there are some on the right who are encouraging Rogan to leave Spotify on his own accord, as they believe that Rogan being on a separate platform entirely, possibly one built by him from the ground up, would become a media juggernaut and potentially help their side. This is also contrasted with people who don't care either way but love finding reasons to make memes that reference Joe Rogan.
Joe Rogan was the biggest podcast in the world BEFORE he joined Spotify.
He’ll be the biggest after he leaves.
By all means, kick him off Spotify.
He’ll be taking an 11M strong audience to a pro-free speech platform--one you can’t cancel.
It’s the perfect kickstart we need.— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) February 6, 2022
Joe Rogan needs to upload all his episodes--especially the ones removed by Spotify--on Rumble. Rumble now seems to be the only video platform that protects open debate. Facebook and YouTube are the Pravda and Izvestia of our time, vehicles of state-approved propaganda
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) February 5, 2022
I’ll do ya one better
Shanemgillis</a>. If they cancel <a href="">
joerogan every comic Rogan has ever helped should pull their podcast off Spotify. I’m down.— Brendan Schaub (@BrendanSchaub) February 6, 2022
When Papa John see Joe Rogan
— Josiah Johnson (@KingJosiah54) February 6, 2022
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