MMA Fighter Kevin Holland Takes Down Would-Be Mass Shooter At A Restaurant, Inspiring A Plethora Of Memes

Published March 15, 2022

Published March 15, 2022

MMA fighter Kevin Holland and two other men reportedly took down an active shooter at a sushi restaurant in Houston, Texas last night, inspiring fans to meme and praise the "mixed martial arts ": fighter for his heroism. Holland was reportedly drunk at the time, and in a video uploaded after the incident, he commented that “it was trippin' in this bitch tonight … they got into a shootout.”

Holland reportedly refused to do an interview after the fight, but that didn’t stop MMA fans from producing memes celebrating his accomplishment in droves.

Many online compared Holland to Batman, especially because this isn’t the first time the MMA fighter has also been a crime fighter. Just last year, he successfully intervened to stop a carjacking in another story that went similarly viral.

A well-known photograph of Holland flashing a thumbs-up and smiling while pinned in what is clearly a very uncomfortable chokehold also made the rounds on Twitter today in response to news of the fighter's heroism.

Holland has certainly had an interesting past couple of days. Just a week before last night’s fight with the restaurant shooter, he won a fight against Alex Oliveira in the ring. But Holland’s latest victory earns him a title that few other fighters have. According to many on the web, he is the closest thing we have to a real-life Batman.

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