There Will Be A New Twilight Book This Year Because This Is 2020

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

It's no secret that 2020 has been an absolutely insane year, so it's only fitting that, in addition to a presidential election and an unprecedented global pandemic, the year will also see the release of a new Twilight book.

Author Stephanie Meyer announced on Good Morning America this morning that her latest book in the series, Midnight Sun will release August 4th. The book is a retelling of the original book through the eyes of Edward Cullen, the vampire love interest of Bella Swan.

Meyer began working on the book over a decade ago, but after the first twelve chapters leaked in 2008, Meyer posted the chapters for free and didn't return to it. In the years since, Meyer published a gender-swapped redux of Twilight and began to work on Midnight Sun again.

The Twilight series, notoriously as maligned as it is popular, has experienced a cultural renaissance in the past few years as fandom communities on sites like Tumblr have begun memeing the film series' more ridiculous elements.

"It's a crazy time right now and I wasn't sure if this was the right time to put this book out," said Meyer, "but some of you have been waiting for just so, so long. It didn't seem fair to make you wait anymore. Sorry about the bad timing. Hopefully this book can be a distraction from the real world."

Upon news of the new book, the Twilight website immediately crashed.

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