Pink Sauce Lady Wonders Why She'd Need 'FDA Approval,' Apparently Forgetting What The 'F' In 'FDA' Stands For

The quest of "Pink Sauce lady," aka TikToker chef.pii, to get her gooey concoction on the shelves of grocery stores across America continues to be a long and arduous one.
As the Pink Sauce became a viral sensation — and controversy — on social media over the past few weeks, other TikTok users have noted that the nutritional facts on the bottle were inaccurate and others have reported receiving the sauce in rancid bags, as the milk-containing sauce was shipped with no refrigeration to keep it fresh.
While chef.pii previously attempted to pass these concerns off as the growing pains of a small business entrepreneur learning the ropes of the industry, a recent live chat in which she wondered why her sauce would need FDA approval since "it isn't a medical product" rang more alarm bells for people concerned for her business savvy.
“what do you mean FDA APPROVED?”
Y’all look 😭😭😭— Life w/ Derek (@derekarnellx) July 25, 2022
Apparently, chef.pii was under the impression that FDA approval is only necessary for medicines and health care products. While the FDA has been more prominent in the news recently for its approvals of various medicines like COVID-19 vaccines, it is the Food and Drug Administration, and getting FDA approval is vital for a food product to be sold across state lines. In fact, it says so on the FDA website in an article titled "How To Start A Food Business."
As Forbes points out, FDA approval is vital for ensuring one's food product is safe for consumption. FDA approval means the product meets the standards of consumption and that its ingredients are accurately represented. Forbes offers an example of a product clearly listing it contains peanuts in order to alert those with a peanut allergy. In the case of Pink Sauce, clearly labeling that the product has milk would be beneficial for those with lactose intolerance.
The "FDA approval" livestream incident has since begun to turn public opinion against chef.pii, as some of those who previously felt she was simply a small business owner struggling to learn the arduous process of selling a food item commercially began to feel like she did not have the know-how and safety necessary to sell food. The phrase "The F In FDA" trended on Twitter as many facepalmed about the whole fiasco.
I take it back, the Pink Sauce lady is so damn stupid.
She said the FDA ain’t got nothing to do with her because she doesn’t sell medical supplies..
The F in FDA means…— Life w/ Derek (@derekarnellx) July 25, 2022
everyone involved in this saga deserves what’s coming to them.
from the idiots who bought a pink sauce with undisclosed ingredients bc they saw it on TikTok, to THIS idiot who doesn’t know what the F in FDA stands for…everyone. Idiots. Idiots. Idiots.— Tyler Conway (@jtylerconway) July 26, 2022
she doesn’t even know what the F in FDA stands for, there’s no defending her i’m sorry 😭
— IG: 5hahem (@shaTIRED) July 26, 2022
Currently, @chef.pii is selling Pink Sauce with a sticker on the bottle advertising it as the "infamous" sauce. This is certainly true, but the sauce becoming much more of a bad kind of "infamous" than a "cool" or "edgy" kind of infamous.
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