Players Report That 'The Last Of Us' PC Port Is Filled With Ridiculous Bugs, But At Least They're Good For Memes

Published March 30, 2023

Published March 30, 2023

Hot off the heels of a successful television show, Sony could have rode on The Last Of Us prestige by doing absolutely nothing. Instead, they put out a PC version of the game that is delighting all on the internet — except those who paid for it.

Judging from several clips and screenshots floating around the internet, the PC port of The Last of Us is a buggy mess, and many gaming publications are flat-out warning players to not play it. About the troubled release, Forbes wrote:

The issues? Where to start. Its poorly optimized, running terribly often at a poor framerate on any level of machine. Crashes, absurd shader compilation times, bizarre bugs and uh, some interesting visuals on places like the Steam Deck, as seen above, where the game is not yet verified.

The Last of Us is widely considered one of the best video game stories ever told, known for its bleak tone and gritty displays of violence and cruelty, which makes it all the funnier when the PC port's characters turn into mush monsters.

last of us pc bugs

The wild glitches have provided lots of unintentional comedy and meme fodder for internet users, but perhaps no glitch is as bewildering as a bug where Joel seems to don blackface in cutscenes.

joel blackface

While Sony and Naughty Dog have not issued an explanation for the game's appalling state at launch, Naughty Dog has apologized for its quality, promising it is "prioritizing updates" and "will address issues in upcoming patches."

naughty Dog apology

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