Rumors That Diddy Had A Secret Tunnel Beneath His Home Are False

Published September 26, 2024

Published September 26, 2024

Considering the wild facts that have come out of the Diddy indictment so far, topped by the mogul having 1,000 bottles of baby oil in his home for unknowable purposes, there's really no rumor too outlandish one could make up about Diddy that people wouldn't buy.

This seems to be the case with a recent hoax suggesting Diddy had a tunnel underneath his property that was used for nefarious purposes one can only imagine.

The story has been circulating since March, as a doctored screenshot of an apparent CNN report circulated online saying the feds raiding Diddy's home had discovered an underground tunnel.

reuters fact check of diddy tunnel

The hoax possibly began circulating due to a fact about Diddy's property that has been misinterpreted and misrepresented in the months since Diddy became the subject of a federal investigation. Diddy's home does have "a grotto connected by an underwater swimming tunnel," which the Los Angeles Times reported on in 2014.

"More than one acre of grounds includes a lagoon-style swimming pool with a grotto connected by an underwater swimming tunnel," wrote the LA Times.

One can see how the hoax has persisted for months by tracking the reactions to a post by the Twitter account ThePopTingz this morning. The account has over 192,000 followers and generally posts factual information, though its content tends to focus on facts like media release dates and chart stats.

Diddy's nefarious tunnel

ThePopTingz tweet leads with, "A tunnel was also found in Diddy's home," showing side-by-side an image of Diddy and an image of a tunnel from the Grand Canyon Caverns — not from Diddy's home.

ThePopTingz cited Lanacion, an Argentinian website that reported on the March raid of Diddy's property on March 26th, 2024. The tweet accurately quoted the publication, which wrote, "The interior [of Diddy's home] features a private theater with seating for 35, a fully equipped gym and a wine room. The most curious thing about the property is an underwater tunnel connected to a grotto."

Lanacion, and subsequently ThePopTingz, did not specify that the tunnel is a swimming tunnel connecting the pool and the grotto area.

Thus, reactions to ThePopTingz' post came from people alarmed that Diddy supposedly had an underground tunnel beneath his property that they assumed was used for nefarious purposes connected to the trafficking charges against the mogul.

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While the charges against and facts about Diddy are alarming, at the very least we can rest assured that unless Diddy was committing crimes underwater, the grotto tunnel was likely not the site of more unspeakable Diddy deeds.

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