Sexy Bald Men Of Twitter Devastated To Learn Prince William Has Been Named Sexiest Bald Man Alive

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

Bald men of Twitter smelled a rigged election when Prince William was named "Sexiest Bald Man Alive" by a "scientific" study.

Nothing against the Royal, but in a world where Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Stanley Tucci, Jason Statham, and several other worthy contenders to the crown (no pun intended) exist, it seems wild to claim that Prince William is the sexiest bald man on the planet. So how did this happen?

It turns out the study used to make that claim used an interesting metric: cosmetic surgery specialists Longevita made the conclusion by searching how many times various bald men were called "sexy" in blogs and articles online. Prince William hit number 1 by getting called sexy online a whopping 17.9 million times. In second place was Mike Tyson, who was called sexy online 8.8 million times.

If you're starting to see the issue with this methodology, know that Vladimir Putin just missed the top 10 with 2.2 million mentions.

So, the "study" that led to Prince William's coronation of sexiest bald man alive is certainly flawed, but that didn't stop publications from tweeting eye-catching headlines leading with the dubious claim. In particular, The Independent's tweet of the news spread widely, even catching the eye of some famous also-rans.

The Rock, who finished 9th in the study, had a cheeky response to the news, suggesting a fellow baldie who might be more worthy.

Stoic, bald musician / poster Seth Everman also took the news poorly, tweeting, "Suffering."

Many others were agog at the eye-catching headline, ready to avenge their favorite bald-headed hotties.

While the world may always disagree on who the sexiest bald man alive is, what this study proved, beyond any doubt, is that nobody thinks it's Prince William.

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