Sheep Walk In Mysterious Circle For 12 Days, Baffling Everyone, But An Explanation Might Finally Answer Why

Published November 23, 2022

Published November 23, 2022

It all started about two weeks ago at a pasture in Inner Mongolia, a region of northern China, where a flock of sheep began to walk in an endless circle for no clear reason.

A Chinese government press outlet highlighted the story and posted it in a now-viral tweet. Initially, some drew comparisons between the sheep and humans, but mainly everyone was simply baffled as to why these animals were behaving in such a manner.

Others, including a sheep specialist interviewed by Newsweek and this reply guy seen below, offered an explanation for the phenomenon: sheep fenced in a small enclosure start to go a little crazy.

They like to do the same motions over and over again, such as walking in a circle, because they are herd animals. If one sheep begins to act strangely, other sheep will start to follow it. If this is the case, human cruelty to animals has essentially led to this strange behavior, and the only thing supernatural or demonic going on is the conditions the sheep were purportedly kept in.

However, Twitter's automated fact-checking service seemed to think the sheep were circling because of a bacterial infection. Others wondered if there might be a different reason behind the viral video, sharing their thoughts as it spread across the web throughout the week.

The internet took the disturbing and absurd development in stride, with many posting about how this latest twist in the timeline has made them feel.

While there were a few people who thought the sheep circling might be a sign of the apocalypse, there were many who took the 12-day sheep circumambulation as a positive sign.

Should the sheep continue to circle, you can expect more memes. Twelve days in, the question stands — is it more dangerous for the sheep to keep doing this, possibly summoning dark energies or extraterrestrial visitors, or would it be more dangerous if they stopped circling and whatever force they've been keeping at bay with this ritual were to enter our world?

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