Test Your Touch With Humanity In 'Absurd Trolley Problems' Browser Game Based On The Meme

Published July 06, 2022

Published July 06, 2022

Would you pull the lever to divert a trolley moving towards five people lying on the tracks, killing one instead? But what if those five tied themselves willingly? Or if it were not human at all but five lobsters and one cat instead?

A new browser game puts you through increasingly absurd (but often touching) trolley problems so you can give your morals a good test.

On Tuesday, software developer Neal Agarwal released "Absurd Trolley Game," a browser game that presents you with 30 trolley problems one after another. Many are funny, many are touching and some are surprisingly tough, and after you make each choice you're shown a statistic of how many other players agreed with you and how many made a different choice.

Through the game, you'll face such choices as picking between five people and your life savings, sacrificing yourself to save others and playing a game of chance with two boxes that may or may not contain some people inside.

When you're done with all 30 puzzles, the game will also show how many people died as a result of your actions, so if you're feeling a little homicidal you get the option to go for the highest kill count.

Want even more insane trolley problems to solve? Pop into our Trolley Problem image gallery for nearly 200 trolley problems to think about and laugh at.

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