Twitter Reacts To Candace Owens Police Alteractation At The Whole Foods She Shops At "EVERY DAY"

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

The coronavirus has made the mask the must-have fashion accessory of the spring by law. With many municipalities enforcing face coverings to slow the spread of the virus, the mask has become a necessity for public outings.

Right-wing pundit Candace Owens, however, must have missed the memo. In a recent tweet, Owens, who is no stranger to controversy, lamented about being confronted by police at the Whole Foods she shops in "EVERY DAY" over her lack of headgear.

Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced last week that all grocery stores and food markets would require customers to wear masks.

Owens was unapologetic about doing some carefree shopping because "HUNDREDS were dying from the flu (majority young)--but we are now required to wear them bc 69 people died from Covid (majority elderly)." Of course, pointing to the fact that people are dying, many of which are vulnerable people doesn't necessarily make your position more sympathetic.

While Owens took her complaints to Periscope, many on Twitter focused on her admission that she shops at Whole Foods "EVERY DAY," violating the social distancing rules many follow to reduce their chances of not just contracting the coronavirus, which has killed more than 125,000 people around the world, but also their chances of spreading it. The phrase "Whole Foods EVERY DAY" became a top trending topic on the site.

A response to Owens' complaints by actor and comedian and Zoolander Ben Stiller also went viral on Reddit, raking in tens of thousands of upvotes.

Why are you going to Whole Foods EVERY DAY anyway?! from r/insanepeoplefacebook

The following day, as the controversy surrounding Owens' tweet continued to spread, Business Insider published a report on Owens, claiming that she uses "stunts and controversy to boost coronavirus conspiracy theories."

Enraged by the article, Owen posted a since edited tweet doxing the journalist the piece's author Rachel Greenspan and threatening the journalist with legal action.

Greenspan's Twitter has since-been made private. However, she did respond to Owens' claims writing, "I reached out to PragerU and have been in touch with one of their kind publicists who said he forwarded my note. It is hard to find personal publicity info, so I went to the company that airs your show. I am a young woman and am concerned that my personal # is now shared publicly."

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