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1. One of those guys was fired. Richards absolutely deserved getting her ass booted for spying on them and trying to ruin their lives, not to mention all the other shit she did previously on company time.

2. Black Captain America was OK because The Falcon was part of Cap's mythos for decades and it's been established Cap trusts him with his life. In fact the biggest issue was worry that Falcon would lose his characterization and just become "Black Captain America". Whor on the other hand was just shoe-horned in by ignoring continuity, had shit-tier writing, and was all around a confused & anvilicious mess.


Jesus, does the person who typed this article have ADHD and or ADD. Son of a bitch is switching between topics like Doomguy and Duke Nukem switch between guns.

First, she comments on off color jokes at PyCon
Then, she talks about GG threatening to rape women who don't agree with their veiws
Lastly, she talks about how everyone through a shit fit when the ethnic of CA and the gender of Thor was changed but no one gave a shit when he was a frog (which if I recall, turning him into a frog was for comic relief but I could be wrong).

Make up you mind of what flavor of bullshit you want to feed us this week.


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