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in reply to Odie

Taking Scott's lunch money is the bully's way of showing force and violence to the authorities that have built society's walls, the bully wants to break the walls, Cool Cat wants to show the wall builders that they too can change, change society as a whole, this is a fantastic plot twist that only the genius behind this film can pull off, as the final line by Derek is delivered "look!" it is meant to leave the viewer wanting more! Wanting to build hype! But in the end the viewer is left in disappointment, which is to represent humanity's thought of hope, do we take our hope for granted? Or do we let others control our hope? This trailer represents THE FEW of the messages Cool Cat delivers! This film no only deserves an Oscar, but a Nobel Peace Prize! All other artistic media should be put to shame because of Cool Cat, bless you all for making such a masterpiece!

[removes clothing]

Cherry on the top: The reviewer has a confirmed purchase on this bullshit, so it's not like the authors can complain or anything.


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