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Ah, yes, this garbage. I was unfortunate enough to encounter its author a while back. While his work is long, it sacrifices quality for quantity, and it's "so bad it's good" at best. It doesn't help that the guy himself was an arrogant, insufferable ass. The only reason he escaped from being banned from the forum I ran into him on was the fact that he rage quit the site before the mods could hit the ban button.

Here's a dramatic reading of the first chapter if you want to get the feel of his work without suffering through all 4 million words:

He's also a closeted Lucario fetishist, if the prequel to this is any indication. He sleeps with his giant Lucario (but in a totally nonsexual way!!) and goes on and on about how tall and big his Lucario is.


To give you guys more references on how insanely long this fanfic is, I searched for the word counts of other books.

War and Peace: 587,287
Infinite Jest: 543,709
Ulysses: ~265,000
All 7 Harry Potter books: 1,084,170
All 4 LOTR books: 550,147
All 4 Twilight Books: 591,434
All 5 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: ~350,000

Total word count of all of the above novels: 3,971,747
Word count of the entire Discworld series: 3,560,000
Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest: 4,047,350


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